# MaxoDecompile


`MaxoDecompile` is an Elixir / Erlang code decompiler.
This is a modifed and updated version from
It has tests and the code is more maintainable.

## Installation

$ mix archive.install hex maxo_decompile

## Usage

# prints Elixir code to terminal ()
$ mix maxo.decompile MaxoDecompile.Core --to ex

# same as
$ mix maxo.decompile MaxoDecompile.Core --to ex --stdout=true

# prints Erlang code to terminal
$ mix maxo.decompile MaxoDecompile.Core --to erl

# prints ASM code to terminal
$ mix maxo.decompile MaxoDecompile.Core --to asm

The docs can be found at <>.

## Alternatives

- (much cleaner code and support for different Elixir versions, recommended!)