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# TestIex

TestIex is an interactive ExUnit test runner, that provides following features:

- Easy to learn:

  - the public API consists of 3 functions:
    - // "")
    -, line)
    - // "")
    -, line)
    - TestIex.unwatch()

- Rapid feedback:

  - since there is no re-incurring cost of starting an OS process with Elixir + Mix + your code for every run

- With sensible defaults:

  - you won't have to spend a lot of time to get it configured. Default configs provide great experience for the majority of Elixir projects

- Usable

  - File event de-duplication during watch mode means you only run tests once, even if there are rapid multiple consecutive file events for a single file

- Robust

  - it does code recompilation + loading of tests in a predictable manner

- Flexible:

  - should you have some special needs, there are config options to tune.
  - they are all conveniently kept in a single module [TestIex.Config](
  - heck, you could even swap the TestIex.Core module, if desired! It exposes only 3 public functions:
    - start()
    - test(files)
    - test(file, line)

- Inspectable

  - you can turn on debug logs to see what happens
  - this helps you to narrow down issues with your configuration

- Support for test file co-location:

  - it comes with support for co-located ExUnit tests out of the box!
  - Examples of real-life projects using co-located test files
  - To configure co-located test you'll need to adjust following files

    - (test_paths, test_pattern)
    - create a test helper in `lib`:

  - Now you're running!
  - This pattern is very common in Golang / JS / TypeScript and we think it should be also more common in the Elixir community.

- Low - tech:

  - it does not require a particular editor extension or similar. Just simple Elixir + ExUnit in your terminal.
  - your workflow wont have to change in future, since the foundation for TestIex is very stable:
    - ExUnit + file system watching + Iex

- Maintainable:

  - since it requires very little code, it's very easy to maintain and adjust on new Elixir releases
  - the core is in [TestIex.Core](
  - It is less than 40 lines of Elixir code with lots of docs.
  - besides it does not have any hairy GenServer logic and also has no ambitions to grow more features and become more complex
  - by not supporting umbrella projects, we keep the code complexity much lower
  - every Elixir project is considered to be in a single root folder with
    following directories under it:
    - `lib`
    - `test`

Please give it a try and see if you like it!

## Usage

$ MIX_ENV=test iex -S mix

# Run all tests

# Run all matching files

# Run test on line 45 for the first matching file
iex>"word", 45)

# Run test on line 45 for the first matching file

# Run test on line 45 for the first matching file

# Watching on file changes and re-running tests.
# Currently only .ex / .exs files in `lib` or `test` folders trigger a re-run.

# Reset watching
iex> TestIex.unwatch()

## Configuration

# in config/runtime.exs
import Config

if config_env() == :test do
  # for default values look into:
  # -

  # NO need to watch for tests on CI
  if System.get_env("CI"), do: config :maxo_test_iex, watcher_enable: false

  # how long multiple consecutive events on the same file should be considered duplicates?
  config :maxo_test_iex, watcher_dedup_timeout: 500

  # which file changes should trigger a test re-run?
  config :maxo_test_iex, watcher_args: [dirs: ["lib/", "test/"], latency: 0]

  # which file extensions are relevant to trigger a test re-run?
  config :maxo_test_iex, watcher_extensions: [".ex", ".exs"]

  # should we log debug messages?
  config :maxo_test_iex, debug: false

## Installation

def deps do
    {:maxo_test_iex, "~> 0.1", only: [:test]},

## Alternatives

- (the core is take from this project and was extended / improved)