# Maxwell

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Maxwell is an HTTP client that provides a common interface over many adapters.

[Documentation for Maxwell is available online](

[See the specific example here](

## Usage

Use `Maxwell.Builder` module to create the API wrappers.

defmodule GitHubClient do
  #generate 4 function get/1, get!/1 patch/1 patch!/1 function
  use Maxwell.Builder, ~w(get patch)a

  middleware Maxwell.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""
  middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Headers, %{'Content-Type': "application/vnd.github.v3+json", 'User-Agent': 'zhongwenool'}
  middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Opts, [connect_timeout: 3000]
  middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Json
  middleware Maxwell.Middleware.Logger

  adapter Maxwell.Adapter.Hackney # default adapter is Ibrowse

  #List public repositories for the specified user.
  #                '',
  #                ['Content-Type': "application/vnd.github.v3+json", 'User-Agent': 'zhongwenool'],
  #                [],
  #                [connect_timeout: 3000])
  def user_repos(username) do
    url("/users/" <> username <> "/repos") |> get

  # Edit owner repositories
  # :hackney.request(:patch,
  #                  '',
  #                  ['Content-Type': "application/vnd.github.v3+json", 'User-Agent': 'zhongwenool'],
  #                  "{\"name\":\"name\",\"description\":\"desc\"}",
  #                  [connect_timeout: 3000])
  def edit_repo_desc(owner, repo, name, desc) do
    |> body(%{name: name, description: desc})
    |> patch
MIX_ENV=TEST iex -S mix
iex(1)> GitHubClient.
body/1              body/2              edit_repo_desc/4
get!/0              get!/1              get/0
get/1               headers/1           headers/2
multipart/1         multipart/2         opts/1
opts/2              patch!/0            patch!/1
patch/0             patch/1             query/1
query/2             respond_to/1        respond_to/2
url/1               url/2               user_repos/1
iex(1)> GitHubClient.user_repos("zhongwencool")
23:34:56.632 [info]  GET
Access-Control-Expose-Headers:ETag, Link, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit...
Cache-Control:public, max-age=60, s-maxage=60
if you don't want to defined a client module:
iex(2)>"") |> Maxwell.put_querystring(%{numbytes: 25, duration: 1, delay: 1, code: 200}) |> Maxwell.get
 %Maxwell{body: '*************************',
  headers: %{'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive',
    'Content-Length' => '25', 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream',
    'Date' => 'Thu, 24 Nov 2016 16:04:21 GMT', 'Server' => 'nginx'},
  method: :get, opts: [], status: 200,
  url: ""}}
### Request helper functions
  |> put_querystring(request_query_map)
  |> put_req_headers(request_headers_map)
  |> put_option(request_opts_keyword_list)
  |> put_req_body(request_body_term)
  |> YourClient.{http_method}!
For more examples see `h Maxwell.Conn`

## Response result
    resp_headers: reponse_headers_map,
    status:  reponse_http_status_integer,
    resp_body:    reponse_body_term,
    opts:    request_opts_keyword_list,
    url:     request_urlwithquery_string,

# or
{:error, reason_term}


## Installation

  1. Add maxwell to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
   def deps do
     [{:maxwell, "~> 2.0.0"}]
  2. Ensure maxwell has started before your application:
   def application do
      [applications: [:maxwell]] # **also add your adapter(ibrowse,hackney...) here **
## Adapters

Maxwell has support for different adapters that do the actual HTTP request processing.

### ibrowse

Maxwell has built-in support for [ibrowse]( Erlang HTTP client.

To use it simply include `adapter Maxwell.Adapter.Ibrowse` line in your API client definition.
global default adapter

config :maxwell,
  default_adapter: Maxwell.Adapter.Ibrowse

NOTE: Remember to include `:ibrowse` in applications list.
### hackney

Maxwell has built-in support for [hackney]( Erlang HTTP client.

To use it simply include `adapter Maxwell.Adapter.Hackney` line in your API client definition.
global default adapter

config :maxwell,
  default_adapter: Maxwell.Adapter.Hackney

NOTE: Remember to include `:hackney` in applications list.

## Available Middleware
- [Maxwell.Middleware.BaseUrl]( - set base url for all request
- [Maxwell.Middleware.Headers]( - set request headers
- [Maxwell.Middleware.Opts]( - set options for all request
- [Maxwell.Middleware.Rels]( - decode reponse rels
- [Maxwell.Middleware.Logger]( - Logger your request and response
- [Maxwell.Middleware.Json]( - encode/decode body made up by EncodeJson and DecodeJson
- [Maxwell.Middleware.EncodeJson]( - encdode request body as JSON, it will add 'Content-Type' to headers
- [Maxwell.Middleware.DecodeJson]( - decode response body as JSON
NOTE: Default requires [poison]( as dependency

@middleware Maxwell.Middleware.EncodeJson, [encode_content_type: "text/javascript", encode_func: &other_json_lib.encode/1]
@middleware Maxwell.Middleware.DecodeJson, [decode_content_types: ["yourowntype"], decode_func: &other_json_lib.decode/1]
See more by `h Maxwell.Middleware.{name}`

## Writing your own middleware

See [Maxwell.Middleware.BaseUrl]( and [Maxwell.Middleware.DecodeJson](


* Support stream
* Support multipart
* More clear readme

## Test
  mix test


See the [LICENSE]( file for license rights and limitations (MIT).