
defmodule Maxwell.Builder.Util do
  @moduledoc """
  Utils for builder

  @doc """
  Global default adapter.
  def default_adapter(), do: Maxwell.Adapter.Ibrowse

  @doc """
  Serialize http method to atom lists.

    * `methods` - http methods list, for example: ~w(get), [:get], ["get"]
    * `default_methods` - all http method lists.
    *  raise ArgumentError when method is not atom list, string list or ~w(get put).

  ### Examples
        [:get, :head, :delete, :trace, :options, :post, :put, :patch]

  def serialize_method_to_atom([], default_methods), do: default_methods
  def serialize_method_to_atom(methods = [atom | _], _) when is_atom(atom), do: methods

  def serialize_method_to_atom(methods = [str | _], _) when is_binary(str) do
    for method <- methods, do: String.to_atom(method)

  def serialize_method_to_atom(methods, _) do
    raise ArgumentError,
          "http methods format must be [:get] or [\"get\"] or ~w(get) or ~w(get)a #{methods}"

  @doc """
  Make sure all `list` in `allow_methods`,
  otherwise raise ArgumentError.

  ## Examples
     iex> allow_methods?([:Get], [:post, :head, :get])
     ** (ArgumentError) http methods don't support Get
  def allow_methods?([], _allow_methods), do: true

  def allow_methods?([method | methods], allow_methods) do
    unless method in allow_methods,
      do: raise(ArgumentError, "http methods don't support #{method}")

    allow_methods?(methods, allow_methods)