# Maybex

This is a pragmatic implementation of the Maybe monad. It allows you to pipe together functions with abandon, even if they return error values.

### Why would I use it?

  <summary>Let's look at a completely contrived example.</summary>
Imagine you get some data and you want to turn it to json then save somewhere:

{:ok, %{valid?: true, data: "DATA!"}}
|> turn_into_json()
|> save_to_the_db()

Let's say they are implemented like this:

def turn_into_json(%{valid?: false}), do: {:error, "Nope"}
def turn_into_json(data), do: {:ok, Jason.encode!(data)}

def save_to_the_db(json), do:

Notice the problem? The return from `turn_into_json` doesn't match what `save_to_the_db` expects. So we have two options.

  1. define `save_to_the_db` such that it can handle an okay / error tuple.
  2. use  `with`.

The first approach would look like this:

def save_to_the_db({:ok, json}), do:
def save_to_the_db({:error, json}), do: {:error, json}
def save_to_the_db(json), do:

There are lots of reasons why it feels wrong. It's not the concern of `save_to_the_db` what `turn_into_json` returns. If `turn_into_json` changes we shouldn't have to also change `save_to_the_db`, so if we do 1. we've introduced coupling that we do not want. Worse than that if we add more functions in between `save_to_the_db` and `turn_into_json` they would also all have to handle an okay / error tuple, which adds overhead. `save_to_the_db` can't handle all of the possible inputs it might get and it shouldn't. In elixir this is easy to do because of pattern matching so is often tempting, but should be avoided.

Option 2 looks like this:

data = {:ok, %{valid?: true, data: "DATA!"}}

with {:ok, next} <- turn_into_json(data) do
  {:error, "Nope"} -> {:error, "Nope"}

That's much more reasonable, but even this can get unwieldy quickly. If we add more functions, we have to handle them each in the `else` clause, some may return error tuples, some may return nil:

data = {:ok, %{valid?: true, data: "DATA!"}}

with {:ok, next} <- turn_into_json(data),
  result <- spin_it_around_a_bit(next),
  x when not is_nil(x) <- nullable_fun(result) do
  nil -> {:error, "Nope"}
  {:error, "Nope"} -> {:error, "Nope"}
Which again may be fine in small doses, but Maybex offers an alternative:

{:ok, %{valid?: true, data: "DATA!"}}

Or even:

import Maybe.Pipe

{:ok, %{valid?: true, data: "DATA!"}}
~> turn_into_json()
~> save_to_the_db()


### How would I use it?
<summary>Here's how it works.</summary>

Generally there are two types of things, there are error things and non error things. You can define for yourself what specifically counts as an error, and what isn't, but Maybex provides a few for you. We define the following:

| Error              |   Non Error      |
| -------------------|------------------|
| `{:error, _}`      | `{:ok, _}`       |
| `%Error{value: _}` | `%Ok{value: _}`  |

If we pass `{:ok, thing}` into `` we will pass `thing` into the mapping function, and return that result wrapped in an okay tuple. If we map over an `{:error, thing}` we wont do anything, and will just return the error tuple:

iex> {:ok, 10} |> x -> x * 10 end)
{:ok, 100}

iex> {:error, 10} |> x -> x * 10 end)
{:error, 10}

iex> {:ok, 10}
...> |> x -> x * 10 end)
...> |> _x -> {:error, "Nope!"} end)
...> |> x -> x * 10 end)
{:error, "Nope!"}

iex> %Ok{value: 10} |> x -> x * 10 end)
%Ok{value: 100}

iex> %Error{value: 10} |> x -> x * 10 end)
%Error{value: 10}

iex> %Ok{value: 10}
...> |> x -> x * 10 end)
...> |> _x -> %Error{value: "Nope!"} end)
...> |> x -> x * 10 end)
%Error{value: "Nope!"}

iex> Maybe.unwrap(%Ok{value: 10})

iex> Maybe.unwrap(%Error{value: 10})

iex> Maybe.map_error(%Error{value: 10}, fn x -> x * 10 end)
%Error{value: 100}

There is also an infix version of the `map` function which looks like this `~>`

import Maybe.Pipe

iex> {:ok, 10} ~> fn x -> x * 10 end
{:ok, 100}

iex> {:error, 10} ~> fn x -> x * 10 end
{:error, 10}

iex> {:ok, 10}
...> ~> fn x -> x * 10 end
...> ~> fn _x -> {:error, "Nope!"} end
...> ~> fn x -> x * 10 end
{:error, "Nope!"}


### Implementing your own Maybe Type

  <summary>Because Maybex is implemented with protocols you can extend it by implementing Maybe for your own data type.</summary>
Lets do it for an Ecto.Changeset for no reason whatsoever:


defmodule Test do
  use Ecto.Schema

  embedded_schema do
    field(:thing, :integer)

defimpl Maybe, for: Ecto.Changeset do
  def map(changeset = %{valid?: true}, fun), do: fun.(changeset)
  def map(changeset, _), do: changeset

  def map_error(changeset = %{valid?: true}, _), do: changeset
  def map_error(changeset, fun), do: fun.(changeset)

  def unwrap!(changeset), do: Ecto.Changeset.apply_action!(changeset, :unwrap)

  def unwrap(changeset) do
    with {:ok, ch} <- Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(changeset, :unwrap) do
      {:error, ch} -> ch

  def unwrap_or_else(changeset = %{valid?: true}, _), do: changeset
  def unwrap_or_else(changeset, fun), do: fun.(changeset)

  def is_error?(%{valid?: true}), do: false
  def is_error?(%{valid?: _}), do: true

  def is_ok?(%{valid?: true}), do: true
  def is_ok?(%{valid?: _}), do: false
iex> %Test{} |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{thing: "1"}, [:thing]) |> Maybe.map_error(fn ch ->
  Logger.warn(fn -> "Insert failed: #{inspect(ch)}" end)
  action: nil,
  changes: %{thing: 1},
  errors: [],
  data: #Test<>,
  valid?: true

iex> %Test{} |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{thing: false}, [:thing]) |> Maybe.map_error(fn ch ->
  Logger.warn(fn -> "Insert failed: #{inspect(ch)}" end)
[warn]  Insert failed: #Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{}, errors: [thing: {"is invalid", [type: :integer, validation: :cast]}], data: #Test<>, valid?: false>

### The Maybe functions

The Maybe protocol exposes several functions to help working with optional values. Check the docs but here are some more examples:

iex> Maybe.unwrap({:ok, 10})

iex> Maybe.unwrap!({:ok, 10})

iex> Maybe.unwrap({:error, 10})

iex> Maybe.unwrap!({:error, 10})
(RuntimeError) Error: 10

iex> Maybe.map_error({:error, 10}, fn x -> x * 10 end)
{:error, 100}

iex> Maybe.map_error({:ok, 10}, fn x -> x * 10 end)
{:ok, 10}

iex> Maybe.unwrap_or_else({:ok, 10}, fn x -> x * 10 end)

iex> Maybe.unwrap_or_else({:error, 10}, fn x -> x * 10 end)

iex> {:ok, 10} ~> fn x -> x * 10 end |> Maybe.unwrap()

There are a list of functions that behave similarly check [the docs]( for more thorough examples.

## Installation

This is [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `maybex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:maybex, "~> 1.0.0"}

Documentation can be found at [](

## Tests

To run tests, at the root of the project run `mix test`

## Contributing

Pull requests and issues are welcome!