
defmodule MdnsLite do
  @moduledoc """
  MdnsLite is a simple, limited, no frills mDNS implementation

  Advertising hostnames and services is generally done using the application
  config.  See `MdnsLite.Options` for documentation.

  To change the advertised hostnames or services at runtime, see `set_host/1`,
  `add_mdns_service/1` and `remove_mdns_service/1`.

  MdnsLite's mDNS record tables and caches can be inspected using
  `MdnsLite.Info` if you're having trouble.

  Finally, check out the MdnsLite `` for more information.

  import MdnsLite.DNS
  alias MdnsLite.{DNS, Options, TableServer}
  require Logger

  @typedoc """
  A user-specified ID for referring to a service

  Atoms are recommended, but binaries are still supported since they were used
  in the past.
  @type service_id() :: atom() | binary()

  @typedoc """
  A user-visible name for a service advertisement
  @type instance_name() :: String.t() | :unspecified

  @typedoc """
  mDNS service description

  Keys include:

  * `:id` - an atom for referring to this service (only required if you want to
    reference the service at runtime)
  * `:port` - the TCP/UDP port number for the service (required)
  * `:transport` - the transport protocol. E.g., `"tcp"` (specify this and
    `:protocol`, or `:type`) * `:protocol` - the application protocol. E.g.,
    `"ssh"` (specify this and `:transport`, or `:type`)
  * `:type` - the transport/protocol to advertize. E.g., `"_ssh._tcp"` (only
    needed if `:protocol` and `:transport` aren't specified)
  * `:weight` - the service weight. Defaults to `0`. (optional)
  * `:priority` - the service priority. Defaults to `0`. (optional)
  * `:txt_payload` - a list of strings to advertise


  %{id: :my_ssh, port: 22, protocol: "ssh", transport: "tcp"}
  @type service() :: %{
          :id => service_id(),
          :instance_name => instance_name(),
          :port => 1..65535,
          optional(:txt_payload) => [String.t()],
          optional(:priority) => 0..255,
          optional(:protocol) => String.t(),
          optional(:transport) => String.t(),
          optional(:type) => String.t(),
          optional(:weight) => 0..255

  @local_if_info %MdnsLite.IfInfo{ipv4_address: {127, 0, 0, 1}}
  @default_timeout 500

  @doc """
  Set the list of host names

  This replaces the list of hostnames that MdnsLite will respond to. The first
  hostname in the list is special. Service advertisements will use it. The
  remainder are aliases.

  Hostnames should not have the ".local" extension. MdnsLite will add it.

  To specify the hostname returned by `:inet.gethostname/0`, use `:hostname`.

  To make MdnsLite respond to queries for "<hostname>.local" and
  "nerves.local", run this:

  iex> MdnsLite.set_hosts([:hostname, "nerves"])
  @spec set_hosts([:hostname | String.t()]) :: :ok
  def set_hosts(hosts) do
    TableServer.update_options(&Options.set_hosts(&1, hosts))

  @doc """
  Updates the advertised instance name for service records

  To specify the first hostname specified in `hosts`, use `:unspecified`
  @spec set_instance_name(instance_name()) :: :ok
  def set_instance_name(instance_name) do
    TableServer.update_options(&Options.set_instance_name(&1, instance_name))

  @doc """
  Start advertising a service

  Services can be added at compile-time via the `:services` key in the `mdns_lite`
  application environment or they can be added at runtime using this function.
  See the `service` type for information on what's needed.


  iex> service = %{
      id: :my_web_server,
      protocol: "http",
      transport: "tcp",
      port: 80
  iex> MdnsLite.add_mdns_service(service)
  @spec add_mdns_service(service()) :: :ok
  def add_mdns_service(service) do
    TableServer.update_options(&Options.add_service(&1, service))

  @doc """
  Stop advertising a service


  iex> MdnsLite.remove_mdns_service(:my_ssh)
  @spec remove_mdns_service(service_id()) :: :ok
  def remove_mdns_service(id) do
    TableServer.update_options(&Options.remove_service_by_id(&1, id))

  @doc """
  Lookup a hostname using mDNS

  The hostname should be a .local name since the query only goes out via mDNS.
  On success, an IP address is returned.
  @spec gethostbyname(String.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::
          {:ok, :inet.ip_address()} | {:error, any()}
  def gethostbyname(hostname, timeout \\ @default_timeout) do
    q = dns_query(class: :in, type: :a, domain: to_charlist(hostname))

    case query(q, timeout) do
      %{answer: [first | _]} ->
        ip = first |> dns_rr(:data) |> to_addr()
        {:ok, ip}

      %{answer: []} ->
        {:error, :nxdomain}

  defp to_addr(addr) when is_tuple(addr), do: addr
  defp to_addr(<<a, b, c, d>>), do: {a, b, c, d}

  defp to_addr(<<a::16, b::16, c::16, d::16, e::16, f::16, g::16, h::16>>),
    do: {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}

  @doc false
  @spec query(DNS.dns_query(), non_neg_integer()) :: %{
          answer: [DNS.dns_rr()],
          additional: [DNS.dns_rr()]
  def query(dns_query() = q, timeout \\ @default_timeout) do
    # 1. Try our configured records
    # 2. Try the caches
    # 3. Send the query
    # 4. Wait for response to collect and return the matchers
    with %{answer: []} <- MdnsLite.TableServer.query(q, @local_if_info),
         %{answer: []} <- MdnsLite.Responder.query_all_caches(q) do