
defmodule MdnsLite.DNS do
  @moduledoc """
  Bring Erlang's DNS record definitions into Elixir
  import Record, only: [defrecord: 2]

  @inet_dns "src/mdns_lite_inet_dns.hrl"

  defrecord :dns_rec, Record.extract(:dns_rec, from: @inet_dns)
  defrecord :dns_header, Record.extract(:dns_header, from: @inet_dns)
  defrecord :dns_query, Record.extract(:dns_query, from: @inet_dns)
  defrecord :dns_rr, Record.extract(:dns_rr, from: @inet_dns)

  @type dns_query :: record(:dns_query, [])
  @type dns_rr :: record(:dns_rr, [])
  @type dns_rec :: record(:dns_rec, [])

  @doc """
  Encode a DNS record
  @spec encode(dns_rec()) :: binary()
  def encode(rec) do
    # Use the new version of :inet_dns that supports RFC 6762

  @doc """
  Decode a packet that contains a DNS message
  @spec decode(binary()) :: {:ok, dns_rec()} | {:error, any()}
  def decode(packet) do

  @doc """
  Format a DNS record as a nice string for the user
  @spec pretty(dns_rr()) :: String.t()
  def pretty(dns_rr(domain: domain, type: :a, class: :in, ttl: ttl, data: data)) do
    "#{domain}: type A, class IN, ttl #{ttl}, addr #{ntoa(data)}"

  def pretty(dns_rr(domain: domain, type: :aaaa, class: :in, ttl: ttl, data: data)) do
    "#{domain}: type AAAA, class IN, ttl #{ttl}, addr #{ntoa(data)}"

  def pretty(dns_rr(domain: domain, type: :ptr, class: :in, ttl: ttl, data: data)) do
    "#{ptr_domain(domain)}: type PTR, class IN, ttl #{ttl}, #{data}"

  def pretty(dns_rr(domain: domain, type: :txt, class: :in, ttl: ttl, data: data)) do
    formatted_data = if data == [], do: "", else: ", #{Enum.join(data, ", ")}"

    "#{domain}: type TXT, class IN, ttl #{ttl}" <> formatted_data

  def pretty(
          domain: domain,
          type: :srv,
          class: :in,
          ttl: ttl,
          data: {priority, weight, port, target}
      ) do
    "#{domain}: type SRV, class IN, ttl #{ttl}, priority #{priority}, weight #{weight}, port #{port}, #{target}"

  def pretty(dns_rr(domain: domain, type: type, class: class, ttl: ttl)) do
    "#{domain}: type #{type}, class #{class}, ttl #{ttl}"

  defp ntoa(:ipv4_address), do: "<interface_ipv4>"
  defp ntoa(:ipv6_address), do: "<interface_ipv6>"
  defp ntoa(addr) when is_tuple(addr), do: :inet.ntoa(addr)
  defp ntoa(<<a, b, c, d>>), do: :inet.ntoa({a, b, c, d})

  defp ntoa(<<a::16, b::16, c::16, d::16, e::16, f::16, g::16, h::16>>),
    do: :inet.ntoa({a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h})

  defp ptr_domain(:ipv4_arpa_address), do: "<interface_ipv4>"
  defp ptr_domain(:ipv6_arpa_address), do: "<interface_ipv6>"
  defp ptr_domain(other), do: other