# Meadow

A server side for glare, the web framework based on SolidJS, adding server signals and more.

## Installation

Create a new gleam project and install glare and meadow.

gleam new my-project
cd my-project

# Install glare and meadow
gleam add glare
gleam add meadow

## Usage

Create a new file `src/my-project.gleam` and add the following code:

import meadow.{start_server}
import web/index

pub fn main() {

Create a new file `src/web/index.gleam` and add the following code:

import meadow.{html, server_signal}
import glare.{signal, text}
import glare/element.{button, header, p}
import glare/event.{onclick}
import glare/property.{class, font_family, size}
import gleam/io
import gleam/int

const count_signal = meadow.Signal(0, "index-count")

pub fn client() {
  let #(count, set_count) = server_signal(count_signal)

      |> font_family("Arial")
      |> size("1.5rem")
      |> class("title"),
    p([text("count: "), signal(count)]),
    button([text("click me")])
      |> onclick(fn() {
      set_count(count() + 1)

pub fn server(s) {
  |> server_signal(count_signal, fn(a) {
    io.println("count: " <> int.to_string(a))
    a + 2

## Running the server

gleam build -t=js && gleam run

This first builds the JavaScript frontend and then runs the Erlang server.