# Medea
Sorceress, wife to Jason, tiny logger of nicely formatted structured messages.
Medea is a tiny package that provides a [formatter][form] and a
[translator][tran] to preserve structured logs. For example, here is the
difference between structured logging with inspection and the structured JSON
we'd expect:
# Inspected
"message":"%{args: %{id: 1, on: false}}"
# Structured
"message":{"args":{"id":1, "on":false}}
The former contains an inspected Elixir map, while the latter is easily parsable
as JSON.
With Medea, all terms are safely escaped and converted to JSON printable values.
That means structured logging like this:
Logger.info(event: %{name: :stuff, safe: false}, user: %User{id: 123})
Outputs nested JSON like this:
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `medea` to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:medea, "~> 0.1"}
## Usage
Medea has two components: `Medea.Formatter` and `Medea.Translator`. For complete
functionality, both components must be configured.
First, configure the logger backend with the formatter:
config :logger, :console,
format: {Medea.Formatter, :format},
metadata: [:request_id]
Next, enable the translator at the top of your applications `start/2` function:
def start(_type, _args) do
Logger.add_translator({Medea.Translator, :translate})
children = [
# whichever children you have
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor)
## Logging With Ecto
If you're using Ecto, you should disable the default logger:
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo, log: false
Now replace it with a simple telemetry based instrumenter that logs structured
queries with metadata:
defmodule MyApp.EctoLogger do
@moduledoc false
require Logger
def handle_event(_event, measure, %{query: query, repo: repo}, level) do
query_meta = Map.take(measure, ~w(idle_time queue_time query_time decode_time total_time)a)
Logger.log(level, query, repo: inspect(repo), query: query_meta)
Attach the logger with telemetry:
[:my_app, :repo, :query],
Additional documentation can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/medea](https://hexdocs.pm/medea).
[form]: https://hexdocs.pm/logger/Logger.Formatter.html
[tran]: https://hexdocs.pm/logger/Logger.Translator.html