# MediaWiki client
Unofficial client modules for connecting to Wikipedia, Wikidata, and other MediaWiki sites from Elixir code. Supports multiple APIs: Action, EventStreams, and Scoring.
API reference for the current version: [Documentation and examples](https://hexdocs.pm/mediawiki_client/api-reference.html)
* `Wiki.Action` is the primary read/write interface for wikis, connecting to the
[Action API](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Main_page).
This is a rich set of commands to query or edit almost anything on a wiki.
* `Wiki.EventStreams` is a real-time
feed allowing an application to process edits as they happen.
* `Wiki.Ores` is a [scoring service](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ORES)
for estimating revision and edit quality.
## Installation
Install this package by adding `mediawiki_client` to your dependencies in `mix.exs`,
def deps do
{:mediawiki_client, "~> 0.4.0"}
Documentation is generated with `mix docs`.
## Updating
Please see the [change log](CHANGELOG.md) for a history of breaking changes.
This library is still pre-1.0 and open to improvement.
## Livebook examples
An [Livebook](https://livebook.dev/) notebook is included to demonstrate usage.
livebook server notebooks/demo.livemd
## Quick start
Fetch some statistics about German Wikipedia,
|> Wiki.SiteMatrix.get!("dewiki")
|> Wiki.Action.new()
|> Wiki.Action.get!(
action: :query,
meta: :siteinfo,
siprop: :statistics
# %Wiki.Action.Session{
# ...
# result: %{
# "batchcomplete" => true,
# "query" => %{
# "statistics" => %{
# "activeusers" => 19687,
# "admins" => 188,
# "articles" => 2583285,
# "edits" => 211219883,
# "images" => 130199,
# "jobs" => 0,
# "pages" => 7163473,
# "queued-massmessages" => 0,
# "users" => 3715461
# }
# }
# },
# ...
# }
Additional examples are included in the [source documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/mediawiki_client/api-reference.html) .
### Error handling
Most methods come in an assertive and a non-assertive form, for example the
`Wiki.Action.get()` method returns an `{:ok, ...}` or a `{:error, ...}` tuple, and
`Wiki.Action.get!()` throws the error directly.
## Development
The [project homepage](https://gitlab.com/adamwight/mediawiki_client_ex) is on GitLab.
To contribute, feel free to start with an issue, push a merge request, or
contact maintainers.
To run all tests,
mix test.all
To generate a test [coverage report](../cover/excoveralls.html),
mix coveralls.html