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Meld is a command-line utility that makes it easy to provide a mix task
as a global command, enabling __real__ CLIs.

## Usage
meld link ./my_mix_project mix_task

Where '/.my_mix_project' is a directory containing an Elixir app
with a mix task that can be run. 'mix_task' is the mix task name, that means
that it can be run with 'mix mix_task'.

Meld will create a shell script in its directory at ~/.meld. This shell
script will `cd` into the specified directory and run the mix task. By adding
the Meld directory to the global PATH, a simulated global executable is

The default name is `DIRECTORY-NAME_MIX-TASK-NAME`. So, in our example, the
script name would be `my_mix_project_mix_task` (I hope you don't name your
projects like that). You can, however, override the default name. Just run
`meld help link` for more info.

There's also a screencast for explaining the linking process:


## Usage as library

```elixir "./my_mix_project", "mix_task" # to link
Meld.unlink "mix_task" # to unlink

## Installation

You need Elixir with Erlang OTP installed.

#### On OSX:

1. `brew tap stuffs/tap` to tap to where the meld formula is located.
2. `brew install meld` (if that doesn't work, `brew install stuffs/tap/meld`).
3. `meld setup` to create the `~/.meld` folder.

As a one-liner, that's:
brew tap stuffs/tap; brew install meld; meld setup

#### On Linux:

1. Run `curl -kLO`
to download the binary.
2. Make it executable: `chmod +x ./meld`
3. Next, move it into your PATH somewhere. You can symlink it into
`/usr/local/bin` or somewhere else, or just move it there. But of course, you
can also use it if it's not in the PATH. Run either:
  - `sudo ln -s meld /usr/local/bin/meld`
  - `sudo mv meld /usr/local/bin/meld`
The former is easier to update, I recommend that.
4. Now, run `meld setup` (or `./meld setup` if it's not in the PATH). This
creates the Meld script directory under `~/.meld`, under which all linked
scripts are going to be saved.
5. Make sure that the `~/.meld` folder is in your PATH and has the correct
rights assigned to it (`chmod 755 ~/.meld`).

And that's it! You're ready to link some tasks!

## License