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# Melon 🍈

A Gleam library for running containers tailored to testing purposes.

Melon is inspired by [Testcontainers]( and provides an API to configure, start and stop

In contrast to other libraries, Melon doesn't use the [Docker Engine API](, but
simply searches for and uses the `docker` executable. This makes the
[discovery methods]( used by
other libraries unnecessary. You can still use a remote Docker Engine by
[configuring a context]( accordingly.

This approach also makes it possible to support all non-browser targets (Erlang, Bun, Deno, and Node.js) without further
dependencies, as consumers of this library don't need to reach for a target-specific client like
[fetch]( and [httpc]( in order to communicate with the
Docker Engine API.

## Demo 🍈

import gleam/io
import melon/container.{Port, Tcp}

pub fn main() {
  let start_result ="postgres:16.3-alpine3.20")
    |> container.add_exposed_port(
      host: "",
      port: "5432",
      protocol: Tcp,
    |> container.add_env(name: "POSTGRES_USER", value: "postgres")
    |> container.add_env(name: "POSTGRES_DB", value: "morty_smith")
    |> container.add_env(name: "POSTGRES_PASSWORD", value: "rick_sanchez")
    |> container.start()

  case start_result {
    Error(_) -> io.println("Couldn't start the container :(")
    Ok(container) -> {
      case container.mapped_port(container, port: "5432", protocol: Tcp) {
        Error(_) -> io.println("Couldn't find the mapped port :<")
        Ok(Port(host, port, _)) ->
            "The database is available on " <> host <> ":" <> port <> ".",

## Changelog 🍈

Take a look at the [changelog]( to get an overview of each
release and its changes.

## Contribution Guidelines 🍈

More information can be found [here](

## License 🍈

Melon is licensed under the [MIT license](