# Membrane
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Membrane provides a wrapper for filtering data with simplicity and efficiently.

It filters out list of structs or maps that satisfy the query. The Query is inspired by
Mongo, hence there's a lot of similarities. To learn more please visit our documentation .

# Installation
To install just add the module to your mix file.

    def deps do
        {:membrane, "~> 0.1.0"}

# Examples
Membrane currently provides a single function named `filter` for filtering the data

    iex> data = [
      %Person{id: 1, name: "Bob", action: "talk", age: 30},
      %Person{id: 3, name: "Helen", action: "talk", age: 30},
      %Dog{id: 1, name: "Rocky",  action: "bark", age: 10},
      %Cat{id: 3, name: "Rocky",  action: "meow", age: 6},
      %Chair{id: 10, age: 3},
      %{id: 1, type: "car", age: 12}
    # The query matches all objects with `id` as 1
    iex> Membrane.filter(data, id: 1)
      %{id: 1, type: "car", age: 12},
      %Dog{id: 1, name: "Rocky",  action: "bark", age: 10},
      %Person{id: 1, name: "Bob", action: "talk", age: 30},

As you can notice `Membrane.filter` is independent of structs or maps in the data. This is because all structs are just bare maps

It also supports complex queries. Say for the same data.

    # The query matches all objects with `age` greater than 8 and has `action` attribute.
    iex> Membrane.filter(data, age: [gt: 8], action: :exists)
      %Dog{id: 1, name: "Rocky",  action: "bark", age: 10},
      %Person{id: 3, name: "Helen", action: "talk", age: 30},
      %Person{id: 1, name: "Bob", action: "talk", age: 30},

# Task Lists
  - [x] Logical and Comparision Operations
  - [x] List based Operations
  - [x] Filtering based on existence of an attribute
  - [ ] Not Operation
  - [ ] Comparision between attributes of a struct
  - [ ] Renaming of attribute names ( Final output has to be a list of maps )
  - [ ] Filtering struct which has query keywords as attributes.

# Contributing
It's a new project so please feel free to contribute. Reporting bugs will also help.

# License
The source code is released under MIT License. Check the [License]( file for more information