# Membrane Agora Plugin


This repository contains Membrane Agora Plugin, which wraps:
[Agora Server Gateway](
Currently only `Membrane.Agora.Sink` is available.

## Installation
The Agora's Gateway server SDK is available only for Ubuntu (14.04 or higher) and
CentOS (6.6 or higher) operating systems, and so is membrane_agora_plugin. 
The required CPU architecture is arm64 or x86-64.

You can use the `membraneframeworklabs/docker_membrane` docker image (in version `v2.2.0-rc2` or higher) as a running environment:
docker run -it membraneframeworklabs/docker_membrane

To use that plugin in your project, add the following line to your deps in `mix.exs`:
	{:membrane_agora_plugin, "~> 0.2.0"}

Run `mix deps.get`.

Then you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to your dependencies directory>/membrane_agora_plugin/agora_sdk

As an example, you can run the `example.exs` script to see `Membrane.Agora.Sink` in action.
First you need to configure the following Agora's specific environmental variables:
  export AGORA_CHANNEL_NAME=<the name of the channel for which you have generated the temporary RTC token>
  export AGORA_TOKEN=<your Agora's temporary RTC token>
  export AGORA_APP_ID=<your Agora's application ID>
  export AGORA_USER_ID=<any string consisting only of ciphers (0-9)>
[Here]( you can read how to obtain these values.

Then run the exemplary [web demo application]( (you can read about it [here](
Remember that you need to use the same Agora parameters as you have specified in the environmental variables.

Finaly, type:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to your dependencies directory>/membrane_agora_plugin/agora_sdk
elixir example.exs
and observe the web demo application.
Once the pipeline is started, audio and video should start playing.

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2022, [Software Mansion](

[![Software Mansion](](

Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)