# Membrane Camera Capture Plugin

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This plugin can be used to capture video stream from an input device.

It is part of [Membrane Multimedia Framework](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `membrane_camera_capture_plugin` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:membrane_camera_capture_plugin, "~> 0.5.0"}

## Sample Usage


def deps do
	{:membrane_camera_capture_plugin, "~> 0.5.0"}
    {:membrane_h264_ffmpeg_plugin, "~> 0.21"},
    {:membrane_file_plugin, "~> 0.10"},
    {:membrane_ffmpeg_swscale_plugin, "~> 0.10"}

defmodule Example do
  use Membrane.Pipeline

  @impl true
  def handle_init(_ctx, _options) do
    structure = 
      child(:source, Membrane.CameraCapture) 
      |> child(:converter, %Membrane.FFmpeg.SWScale.PixelFormatConverter{format: :I420}) 
      |> child(:encoder, Membrane.H264.FFmpeg.Encoder) 
      |> child(:sink, %Membrane.File.Sink{location: "output.h264"}) 

    {[spec: structure], %{}}

## Testing

Running this manual test, you should be able to record a 5-sec long video stream from your webcam and then play it using ffplay (you need to have ffmpeg installed).

To run manual tests, you need to install dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

And run manual (you observe the result and decide whether it works) tests:

$ mix test --include manual

If run successfully, you should be able to see video recorded by your camera.

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2022, [Software Mansion](

[![Software Mansion](](

Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)