
defmodule Membrane.Bin do
  @moduledoc """
  Bins, similarly to pipelines, are containers for elements.
  However, at the same time, they can be placed and linked within pipelines.
  Although bin is a separate Membrane entity, it can be perceived as a pipeline within an element.
  Bins can also be nested within one another.

  There are two main reasons why bins are useful:
  * they enable creating reusable element groups
  * they allow managing their children, for instance by dynamically spawning or replacing them as the stream changes.

  In order to create bin `use Membrane.Bin` in your callback module.

  alias __MODULE__.{Action, CallbackContext}
  alias Membrane.{Child, Pad}
  alias Membrane.Core.Child.PadsSpecs
  alias Membrane.Core.OptionsSpecs

  require Membrane.Core.Message
  require Membrane.Logger

  @type state_t :: map | struct

  @type callback_return_t :: {:ok | {:ok, [Action.t()]} | {:error, any}, state_t} | {:error, any}

  @typedoc """
  Defines options that can be passed to `start_link/3` and received
  in `c:handle_init/1` callback.
  @type options_t :: struct | nil

  @typedoc """
  Type that defines a bin name by which it is identified.
  @type name_t :: any()

  @doc """
  Enables to check whether module is membrane bin.
  @callback membrane_bin? :: true

  @doc """
  Callback invoked on initialization of bin process. It should parse options
  and initialize bin's internal state. Internally it is invoked inside
  `c:GenServer.init/1` callback.
  @callback handle_init(options :: options_t) :: callback_return_t()

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin is shutting down.
  Internally called in `c:GenServer.terminate/2` callback.

  Useful for any cleanup required.
  @callback handle_shutdown(reason, state :: state_t) :: :ok
            when reason: :normal | :shutdown | {:shutdown, any} | term()

  @doc """
  Callback that is called when new pad has beed added to bin. Executed
  ONLY for dynamic pads.
  @callback handle_pad_added(
              pad :: Pad.ref_t(),
              context :: CallbackContext.PadAdded.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Callback that is called when some pad of the bin has beed removed. Executed
  ONLY for dynamic pads.
  @callback handle_pad_removed(
              pad :: Pad.ref_t(),
              context :: CallbackContext.PadRemoved.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Automatically implemented callback used to determine whether bin exports clock.
  @callback membrane_clock? :: boolean()

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin transition from `:stopped` to `:prepared` state has finished,
  that is all of its children are prepared to enter `:playing` state.
  @callback handle_stopped_to_prepared(
              context :: CallbackContext.PlaybackChange.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) ::

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin transition from `:playing` to `:prepared` state has finished,
  that is all of its children are prepared to be stopped.
  @callback handle_playing_to_prepared(
              context :: CallbackContext.PlaybackChange.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) ::

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin is in `:playing` state, i.e. all its children
  are in this state.
  @callback handle_prepared_to_playing(
              context :: CallbackContext.PlaybackChange.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) ::

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin is in `:playing` state, i.e. all its children
  are in this state.
  @callback handle_prepared_to_stopped(
              context :: CallbackContext.PlaybackChange.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) ::

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin is in `:terminating` state, i.e. all its children
  are in this state.
  @callback handle_stopped_to_terminating(
              context :: CallbackContext.PlaybackChange.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when a notification comes in from an element.
  @callback handle_notification(
              notification :: Membrane.Notification.t(),
              element :: Child.name_t(),
              context :: CallbackContext.Notification.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when bin receives a message that is not recognized
  as an internal membrane message.

  Useful for receiving data sent from NIFs or other stuff.
  @callback handle_other(
              message :: any,
              context :: CallbackContext.Other.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) ::

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when a child element starts processing stream via given pad.
  @callback handle_element_start_of_stream(
              {Child.name_t(), Pad.ref_t()},
              context :: CallbackContext.StreamManagement.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when a child element finishes processing stream via given pad.
  @callback handle_element_end_of_stream(
              {Child.name_t(), Pad.ref_t()},
              context :: CallbackContext.StreamManagement.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Callback invoked when `Membrane.ParentSpec` is linked and in the same playback
  state as bin.

  This callback can be started from `c:handle_init/1` callback or as
  `t:Membrane.Bin.Action.spec_t/0` action.
  @callback handle_spec_started(
              children :: [Child.name_t()],
              context :: CallbackContext.SpecStarted.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @doc """
  Callback invoked upon each timer tick. A timer can be started with `t:Membrane.Bin.Action.start_timer_t/0`
  @callback handle_tick(
              timer_id :: any,
              context :: CallbackContext.Tick.t(),
              state :: state_t
            ) :: callback_return_t

  @optional_callbacks membrane_clock?: 0,
                      handle_init: 1,
                      handle_shutdown: 2,
                      handle_pad_added: 3,
                      handle_pad_removed: 3,
                      handle_stopped_to_prepared: 2,
                      handle_playing_to_prepared: 2,
                      handle_prepared_to_playing: 2,
                      handle_prepared_to_stopped: 2,
                      handle_stopped_to_terminating: 2,
                      handle_other: 3,
                      handle_spec_started: 3,
                      handle_element_start_of_stream: 3,
                      handle_element_end_of_stream: 3,
                      handle_notification: 4,
                      handle_tick: 3

  @doc PadsSpecs.def_pad_docs(:input, :bin)
  defmacro def_input_pad(name, spec) do
    PadsSpecs.def_pad(name, :input, spec, :bin)

  @doc PadsSpecs.def_pad_docs(:output, :bin)
  defmacro def_output_pad(name, spec) do
    PadsSpecs.def_pad(name, :output, spec, :bin)

  @doc """
  Defines that bin exposes a clock which is a proxy to one of its children.

  If this macro is not called, no ticks will be forwarded to parent, regardless
  of clock definitions in its children.
  defmacro def_clock(doc \\ "") do
    quote do
      @membrane_bin_exposes_clock true

      Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :membrane_clock_moduledoc, """
      ## Clock

      This bin exposes a clock of one of its children.


      @impl true
      def membrane_clock?, do: true

  @doc """
  Checks whether module is a bin.
  @spec bin?(module) :: boolean
  def bin?(module) do
    module |> Bunch.Module.check_behaviour(:membrane_bin?)

  @doc """
  Macro defining options that parametrize bin.

  It automatically generates appropriate struct and documentation.

  defmacro def_options(options) do
    OptionsSpecs.def_options(__CALLER__.module, options, :bin)

  @doc false
  defmacro __before_compile__(env) do
    Membrane.Core.Child.generate_moduledoc(env.module, :bin)

  @doc """
  Brings all the stuff necessary to implement a bin.

    - `:bring_spec?` - if true (default) imports and aliases `Membrane.ParentSpec`
    - `:bring_pad?` - if true (default) requires and aliases `Membrane.Pad`
  defmacro __using__(options) do
    bring_spec =
      if options |> Keyword.get(:bring_spec?, true) do
        quote do
          import Membrane.ParentSpec
          alias Membrane.ParentSpec

    bring_pad =
      if options |> Keyword.get(:bring_pad?, true) do
        quote do
          require Membrane.Pad
          alias Membrane.Pad

    quote location: :keep do
      alias unquote(__MODULE__)
      @behaviour unquote(__MODULE__)
      @before_compile unquote(__MODULE__)


      import unquote(__MODULE__),
        only: [def_input_pad: 2, def_output_pad: 2, def_options: 1, def_clock: 0, def_clock: 1]

      require Membrane.Core.Child.PadsSpecs


      @impl true
      def membrane_bin?, do: true

      @impl true
      def membrane_clock?, do: false

      @impl true
      def handle_init(_options), do: {:ok, %{}}

      @impl true
      def handle_shutdown(_reason, _state), do: :ok

      @impl true
      def handle_pad_added(_pad, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_pad_removed(_pad, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_stopped_to_prepared(_ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_prepared_to_playing(_ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_playing_to_prepared(_ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_prepared_to_stopped(_ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_stopped_to_terminating(_ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_other(message, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_spec_started(new_children, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_element_start_of_stream({element, pad}, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_element_end_of_stream({element, pad}, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      @impl true
      def handle_notification(notification, element, _ctx, state), do: {:ok, state}

      defoverridable membrane_clock?: 0,
                     handle_init: 1,
                     handle_shutdown: 2,
                     handle_pad_added: 3,
                     handle_pad_removed: 3,
                     handle_stopped_to_prepared: 2,
                     handle_playing_to_prepared: 2,
                     handle_prepared_to_playing: 2,
                     handle_prepared_to_stopped: 2,
                     handle_stopped_to_terminating: 2,
                     handle_other: 3,
                     handle_spec_started: 3,
                     handle_element_start_of_stream: 3,
                     handle_element_end_of_stream: 3,
                     handle_notification: 4