
defmodule Membrane.ChildEntry do
  @moduledoc """
  Struct describing child entry of a parent.

  The public fields are:
  - `name` - child name
  - `module` - child module
  - `options` - options passed to the child
  - `component_type` - either `:element` or `:bin`

  Other fields in the struct ARE NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API and should not be
  accessed or relied on.
  use Bunch.Access

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          name: Membrane.Child.name_t(),
          module: module,
          options: struct | nil,
          component_type: :element | :bin,
          pid: pid,
          clock: Membrane.Clock.t(),
          sync: Membrane.Sync.t(),
          playback_sync: :not_synced | :syncing | :synced,
          terminating?: boolean()

  defstruct [
    playback_sync: :not_synced,
    terminating?: false