
defmodule Membrane.ParentSpec do
  @moduledoc """
  Structure representing the topology of a pipeline/bin.

  It can be incorporated into a pipeline or a bin by returning
  `t:Membrane.Pipeline.Action.spec_t/0` or `t:Membrane.Bin.Action.spec_t/0`
  action, respectively. This commonly happens within `c:Membrane.Pipeline.handle_init/1`
  and `c:Membrane.Bin.handle_init/1`, but can be done in any other callback also.

  ## Children

  Children that should be spawned when the pipeline/bin starts can be defined
  with the `:children` field.
  You have to set it to a map, where keys are valid children names (`t:Membrane.Child.name_t/0`)
  that are unique within this pipeline/bin and values are either child's module or
  struct of that module.

  Sample definitions:

        first_element: %Element.With.Options.Struct{option_a: 42},
        some_element: Element.Without.Options,
        some_bin: Bin.Using.Default.Options

  ## Links

  Links that should be made when the children are spawned can be defined with the
  `:links` field. Links can be defined with the use of `link/1` and `to/2` functions
  that allow specifying elements linked, and `via_in/2` and `via_out/2` that allow
  specifying pads' names and parameters. If pads are not specified, name `:input`
  is assumed for inputs and `:output` for outputs.

  Sample definition:

        |> to(:converter)
        |> via_in(:input_a, buffer: [preferred_size: 20_000])
        |> to(:mixer),
        |> via_out(:custom_output)
        |> via_in(:input_b, pad: [mute: true])
        |> to(:mixer)
        |> via_in(:input, [warn_size: 264_000, fail_size: 300_000])
        |> to(:sink)

  Links can also contain children definitions, for example:

        link(:first_element, %Element.With.Options.Struct{option_a: 42})
        |> to(:some_element, Element.Without.Options)
        |> to(:element_specified_in_children)

  Which is particularly convenient for creating links conditionally:

      maybe_link = &to(&1, :some_element, Some.Element)
        |> then(if condition?, do: maybe_link, else: & &1)
        |> to(:another_element)

  ### Bins

  For bins boundaries, there are special links allowed. The user should define links
  between the bin's input and the first child's input (input-input type) and last
  child's output and bin output (output-output type). In this case, `link_bin_input/2`
  and `to_bin_output/3` should be used.

  Sample definition:

        link_bin_input() |> to(:filter1) |> to(:filter2) |> to_bin_output(:custom_output)

  ### Dynamic pads

  In most cases, dynamic pads can be linked the same way as static ones, although
  in the following situations, exact pad reference must be passed instead of a name:

  - When that reference is needed later, for example, to handle a notification related
  to that particular pad instance

        pad = Pad.ref(:output, make_ref())
          link(:tee) |> via_out(pad) |> to(:sink)

  - When linking dynamic pads of a bin with its children, for example in

        @impl true
        def handle_pad_added(Pad.ref(:input, _) = pad, _ctx, state) do
          links = [link_bin_input(pad) |> to(:mixer)]
          {{:ok, spec: %ParentSpec{links: links}}, state}

  ## Stream sync

  `:stream_sync` field can be used for specifying elements that should start playing
  at the same moment. An example can be audio and video player sinks. This option
  accepts either `:sinks` atom or a list of groups (lists) of elements. Passing `:sinks`
  results in synchronizing all sinks in the pipeline, while passing a list of groups
  of elements synchronizes all elements in each group. It is worth mentioning
  that to keep the stream synchronized all involved elements need to rely on
  the same clock.

  By default, no elements are synchronized.

  Sample definitions:

    %ParentSpec{stream_sync: [[:element1, :element2], [:element3, :element4]]}
    %ParentSpec{stream_sync: :sinks}

  ## Clock provider

  A clock provider is an element that exports a clock that should be used as the pipeline
  clock. The pipeline clock is the default clock used by elements' timers.
  For more information see `Membrane.Element.Base.def_clock/1`.

  ## Crash groups
  A crash group is a logical entity that prevents the whole pipeline from crashing when one of
  its children crash.

  ### Adding children to a crash group

  children = %{
    :some_element_1 => %SomeElement{
      # ...
    :some_element_2 => %SomeElement{
      # ...

  spec = %ParentSpec{children: children, crash_group: {group_id, :temporary}}

  The crash group is defined by a two-element tuple, first element is an ID which is of type
  `Membrane.CrashGroup.name_t()`, and the second is a mode. Currently, we support only
  `:temporary` mode which means that Membrane will not make any attempts to restart crashed child.

  In the above snippet, we create new children - `:some_element_1` and `:some_element_2`, we add it
  to the crash group with id `group_id`. Crash of `:some_element_1` or `:some_element_2` propagates
  only to the rest of the members of the crash group and the pipeline stays alive.

  Currently, crash group covers all children within one or more `ParentSpec`s.

  ### Handling crash of a crash group

  When any of the members of the crash group goes down, the callback:
  is called.

  @impl true
  def handle_crash_group_down(crash_group_id, ctx, state) do
    # do some stuff in reaction to crash of group with id crash_group_id

  ### Limitations

  At this moment crash groups are only useful for elements with dynamic pads.
  Crash groups work only in pipelines and are not supported in bins.

  ## Log metadata
  `:log_metadata` field can be used to set the `Membrane.Logger` metadata for all children from that

  alias Membrane.{Child, Pad}
  alias Membrane.Core.InputBuffer
  alias Membrane.ParentError

  require Membrane.Pad

  defmodule LinkBuilder do
    @moduledoc false

    use Bunch.Access

    defstruct children: [], links: [], status: nil

    @type t :: %__MODULE__{
            children: [{Child.name_t(), module | struct}],
            links: [map],
            status: status_t

    @type status_t :: :from | :output | :input | :done

    @spec update(t, status_t, Keyword.t()) :: t
    def update(
          %__MODULE__{links: [%{to: to} | _] = links, status: :done} = builder,
        ) do
      %__MODULE__{builder | links: [[from: to] ++ entries) | links], status: status}

    def update(%__MODULE__{links: [link | links]} = builder, status, entries) do
      %__MODULE__{builder | links: [Map.merge(link, | links], status: status}

  @opaque link_builder_t :: LinkBuilder.t()

  @type child_spec_t :: module | struct

  @type children_spec_t ::
          [{Child.name_t(), child_spec_t}]
          | %{Child.name_t() => child_spec_t}

  @typedoc """
  Options passed to the child when linking its pad with a different one.

  The allowed options are:
  * `:buffer` - keyword allowing to configure `Membrane.Core.InputBuffer` between elements. Valid only for input pads.
    See `t:Membrane.Core.InputBuffer.props_t/0` for configurable properties.
  * `:options` - any child-specific options that will be available in `Membrane.Pad.Data` struct.
  @type pad_props_t :: [
          {:buffer, InputBuffer.props_t()}
          | {:options, Keyword.t()}

  @type links_spec_t :: [link_builder_t() | links_spec_t]

  @type crash_group_spec_t :: {any(), :temporary} | nil
  @typedoc """
  Struct used when starting and linking children within a pipeline or a bin.
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          children: children_spec_t,
          links: links_spec_t,
          crash_group: crash_group_spec_t() | nil,
          stream_sync: :sinks | [[Child.name_t()]],
          clock_provider: Child.name_t() | nil,
          node: node() | nil,
          log_metadata: Keyword.t()

  @valid_pad_prop_keys [:options, :buffer]

  defstruct children: %{},
            links: [],
            crash_group: nil,
            stream_sync: [],
            clock_provider: nil,
            node: nil,
            log_metadata: []

  @doc """
  Begins a link.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec link(Child.name_t()) :: link_builder_t()
  def link(child_name) do
    %LinkBuilder{links: [%{from: child_name}], status: :from}

  @doc """
  Defines a child and begins a link with it.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec link(Child.name_t(), child_spec_t()) :: link_builder_t()
  def link(child_name, child_spec) do
    link(child_name) |> Map.update!(:children, &[{child_name, child_spec} | &1])

  @doc """
  Begins a link with a bin's pad.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec link_bin_input(Pad.name_t() | Pad.ref_t(), pad_props_t) :: link_builder_t() | no_return
  def link_bin_input(pad \\ :input, props \\ []) do
    link({Membrane.Bin, :itself}) |> via_out(pad, props)

  @doc """
  Specifies output pad name and properties of the preceding child.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec via_out(link_builder_t(), Pad.name_t() | Pad.ref_t(), pad_props_t) ::
          link_builder_t() | no_return
  def via_out(builder, pad, props \\ [])

  def via_out(%LinkBuilder{status: :output}, pad, _props) do
    raise ParentError,
          "Invalid link specification: output #{inspect(pad)} placed after another output or bin's input"

  def via_out(%LinkBuilder{status: :input}, pad, _props) do
    raise ParentError, "Invalid link specification: output #{inspect(pad)} placed after an input"

  def via_out(%LinkBuilder{} = builder, pad, props) do
    :ok = validate_pad_name(pad)
    :ok = validate_pad_props(props)

    LinkBuilder.update(builder, :output,
      output: pad,
      output_props: props

  @doc """
  Specifies input pad name and properties of the subsequent child.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec via_in(link_builder_t(), Pad.name_t() | Pad.ref_t(), pad_props_t) ::
          link_builder_t() | no_return
  def via_in(builder, pad, opts \\ [])

  def via_in(%LinkBuilder{status: :input}, pad, _opts) do
    raise ParentError,
          "Invalid link specification: output #{inspect(pad)} placed after another output"

  def via_in(%LinkBuilder{} = builder, pad, props) do
    :ok = validate_pad_name(pad)
    :ok = validate_pad_props(props)

    LinkBuilder.update(builder, :input,
      input: pad,
      input_props: props

  @doc """
  Continues or ends a link.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec to(link_builder_t(), Child.name_t()) :: link_builder_t() | no_return
  def to(%LinkBuilder{links: [%{to: {Membrane.Bin, :itself}} | _]}, child_name) do
    raise ParentError,
          "Invalid link specification: child #{inspect(child_name)} placed after bin's output"

  def to(%LinkBuilder{} = builder, child_name) do
    LinkBuilder.update(builder, :done, to: child_name)

  @doc """
  Defines a child and continues or ends a link with it.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec to(link_builder_t(), Child.name_t(), child_spec_t()) :: link_builder_t() | no_return
  def to(%LinkBuilder{} = builder, child_name, child_spec) do
    builder |> to(child_name) |> Map.update!(:children, &[{child_name, child_spec} | &1])

  @doc """
  Ends a link with a bin's output.

  See the _links_ section of the moduledoc for more information.
  @spec to_bin_output(link_builder_t(), Pad.name_t() | Pad.ref_t(), pad_props_t) ::
          link_builder_t() | no_return
  def to_bin_output(builder, pad \\ :output, props \\ [])

  def to_bin_output(%LinkBuilder{status: :input}, pad, _props) do
    raise ParentError, "Invalid link specification: bin's output #{pad} placed after an input"

  def to_bin_output(builder, pad, props) do
    builder |> via_in(pad, props) |> to({Membrane.Bin, :itself})

  defp validate_pad_name(pad) when Pad.is_pad_name(pad) or Pad.is_pad_ref(pad) do

  defp validate_pad_name(pad) do
    raise ParentError, "Invalid link specification: invalid pad name: #{inspect(pad)}"

  defp validate_pad_props(props) do
    unless Keyword.keyword?(props) do
      raise ParentError,
            "Invalid link specification: pad options should be a keyword, got: #{inspect(props)}"

    |> Keyword.keys()
    |> Enum.each(
      &unless &1 in @valid_pad_prop_keys do
        raise ParentError, "Invalid link specification: invalid pad option: #{inspect(&1)}"