defmodule Membrane.Testing.Endpoint do
use Membrane.Endpoint
alias Membrane.Buffer
alias Membrane.Element.Action
alias Membrane.Testing.Notification
@type generator ::
(state :: any(), buffers_cnt :: pos_integer -> {[Action.t()], state :: any()})
def_output_pad :output,
flow_control: :manual,
accepted_format: _any
def_input_pad :input,
flow_control: :manual,
accepted_format: _any,
demand_unit: :buffers
def_options autodemand: [
spec: boolean(),
default: true,
description: """
If true element will automatically make demands.
If it is set to false demand has to be triggered manually by sending `:make_demand` message.
output: [
spec: {initial_state :: any(), generator} | Enum.t(),
default: {0, &__MODULE__.default_buf_gen/2},
description: """
If `output` is an enumerable with `t:Membrane.Payload.t/0` then
buffer containing those payloads will be sent through the
`:output` pad and followed by `t:Membrane.Element.Action.end_of_stream/0`.
If `output` is a `{initial_state, function}` tuple then the
the function will be invoked each time `handle_demand` is called.
It is an action generator that takes two arguments.
The first argument is the state that is initially set to
`initial_state`. The second one defines the size of the demand.
Such function should return `{actions, next_state}` where
`actions` is a list of actions that will be returned from
`handle_demand/4` and `next_state` is the value that will be
used for the next call.
stream_format: [
spec: struct(),
default: %Membrane.RemoteStream{},
description: """
Stream format to be sent before the `output`.
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, opts) do
opts = Map.from_struct(opts)
case opts.output do
{initial_state, generator} when is_function(generator) ->
{[], opts |> Map.merge(%{generator_state: initial_state, output: generator})}
_enumerable_output ->
{[], opts}
@impl true
def handle_playing(_context, %{autodemand: true} = state),
do: {[demand: :input, stream_format: {:output, state.stream_format}], state}
def handle_playing(_context, state),
do: {[stream_format: {:output, state.stream_format}], state}
@impl true
def handle_event(:input, event, _context, state) do
{notify({:event, event}), state}
@impl true
def handle_demand(:output, size, :buffers, _ctx, state) do
get_actions(state, size)
@impl true
def handle_start_of_stream(pad, _ctx, state),
do: {notify({:start_of_stream, pad}), state}
@impl true
def handle_end_of_stream(pad, _ctx, state),
do: {notify({:end_of_stream, pad}), state}
@impl true
def handle_stream_format(pad, stream_format, _context, state),
do: {notify({:stream_format, pad, stream_format}), state}
@impl true
def handle_info({:make_demand, size}, _ctx, %{autodemand: false} = state) do
{[demand: {:input, size}], state}
@impl true
def handle_buffer(:input, buf, _ctx, state) do
case state do
%{autodemand: false} -> {notify({:buffer, buf}), state}
%{autodemand: true} -> {[demand: :input] ++ notify({:buffer, buf}), state}
@spec default_buf_gen(integer(), integer()) :: {[Action.t()], integer()}
def default_buf_gen(generator_state, size) do
buffers =
generator_state..(size + generator_state - 1)
|> generator_state ->
%Buffer{payload: <<generator_state::16>>}
action = [buffer: {:output, buffers}]
{action, generator_state + size}
@doc """
Creates output with generator function from list of buffers.
@spec output_from_buffers([Buffer.t()]) :: {[Buffer.t()], generator()}
def output_from_buffers(data) do
fun = fn state, size ->
{buffers, leftover} = Enum.split(state, size)
buffer_action = [{:buffer, {:output, buffers}}]
event_action = if leftover == [], do: [end_of_stream: :output], else: []
to_send = buffer_action ++ event_action
{to_send, leftover}
{data, fun}
defp get_actions(%{generator_state: generator_state, output: actions_generator} = state, size)
when is_function(actions_generator) do
{actions, generator_state} = actions_generator.(generator_state, size)
{actions, %{state | generator_state: generator_state}}
defp get_actions(%{output: output} = state, size) do
{payloads, output} = Enum.split(output, size)
buffers =, &%Buffer{payload: &1})
actions =
case output do
[] -> [buffer: {:output, buffers}, end_of_stream: :output]
_non_empty -> [buffer: {:output, buffers}]
{actions, %{state | output: output}}
defp notify(payload) do
[notify_parent: %Notification{payload: payload}]