
defmodule Membrane.Testing.Source do
  @moduledoc """
  Testing Element for supplying data based on generator function or payloads passed
  through options.

  ## Example usage

  As mentioned earlier you can use this element in one of two ways, providing
  either a generator function or an `Enumerable.t`.

  If you provide an `Enumerable.t` with payloads, then each of those payloads will
  be wrapped in a `Membrane.Buffer` and sent through `:output` pad.
  %Source{output: [0xA1, 0xB2, 0xC3, 0xD4]}

  In order to specify `Membrane.Testing.Source` with generator function you need
  to provide initial state and function that matches `t:generator/0` type. This
  function should take state and demand size as its arguments and return
  a tuple consisting of actions that element will return during the
  callback and new state.
  generator_function = fn state, size ->
    #generate some buffers
    {actions, state + 1}
  %Source{output: {1, generator_function}}

  use Membrane.Source

  alias Membrane.Buffer
  alias Membrane.Element.Action

  @type generator ::
          (state :: any(), buffers_cnt :: pos_integer -> {[Action.t()], state :: any()})

  def_output_pad :output, flow_control: :manual, accepted_format: _any

  def_options output: [
                spec: Enum.t() | {initial_state :: any(), generator},
                default: {0, &__MODULE__.default_buf_gen/2},
                description: """
                If `output` is an Enumerable, then each element of it will be sent
                through the `:output` pad, followed by `t:Membrane.Element.Action.end_of_stream/0`.
                Each element of the Enumerable must be either `t:Membrane.Buffer.t/0`
                or `t:Membrane.Payload.t/0`. In the latter case, it will be automatically wrapped into
                `t:Membrane.Buffer.t/0` before sending.

                Otherwise, if `output` is a `{initial_state, function}` tuple then the
                the function will be invoked each time `handle_demand` is called.
                It is an action generator that takes two arguments.
                The first argument is the state that is initially set to
                `initial_state`. The second one defines the size of the demand.
                Such function should return `{actions, next_state}` where
                `actions` is a list of actions that will be returned from
                `handle_demand/4` and `next_state` is the value that will be
                used for the next call.
              stream_format: [
                spec: struct(),
                default: %Membrane.RemoteStream{},
                description: """
                StreamFormat to be sent before the `output`.

  @impl true
  def handle_init(_ctx, opts) do
    opts = Map.from_struct(opts)

    case opts.output do
      {initial_state, generator} when is_function(generator) ->
        {[], opts |> Map.merge(%{generator_state: initial_state, output: generator})}

      _enumerable_output ->
        {[], opts}

  @impl true
  def handle_playing(_ctx, state) do
    {[stream_format: {:output, state.stream_format}], state}

  @impl true
  def handle_demand(:output, size, :buffers, _ctx, state) do
    get_actions(state, size)

  @spec default_buf_gen(integer(), integer()) :: {[Action.t()], integer()}
  def default_buf_gen(generator_state, size) do
    buffers =
      generator_state..(size + generator_state - 1)
      |>{payload: <<&1::16>>})

    action = [buffer: {:output, buffers}]
    {action, generator_state + size}

  @doc """
  Creates output with generator function from list of buffers.
  @spec output_from_buffers([Buffer.t()]) :: {[Buffer.t()], generator()}
  def output_from_buffers(data) do
    fun = fn state, size ->
      {buffers, leftover} = Enum.split(state, size)
      buffer_action = [{:buffer, {:output, buffers}}]
      event_action = if leftover == [], do: [end_of_stream: :output], else: []
      to_send = buffer_action ++ event_action
      {to_send, leftover}

    {data, fun}

  defp get_actions(%{generator_state: generator_state, output: actions_generator} = state, size)
       when is_function(actions_generator) do
    {actions, generator_state} = actions_generator.(generator_state, size)
    {actions, %{state | generator_state: generator_state}}

  defp get_actions(%{output: output} = state, size) do
    {to_output_now, rest} = Enum.split(output, size)

    buffers =
        &if(match?(%Membrane.Buffer{}, &1), do: &1, else: %Membrane.Buffer{payload: &1})

    actions =
      case rest do
        [] -> [buffer: {:output, buffers}, end_of_stream: :output]
        _non_empty -> [buffer: {:output, buffers}]

    {actions, %{state | output: rest}}