# Membrane H265 Plugin
Membrane H265 parser. It is the Membrane element responsible for parsing the incoming h265 stream. The parsing is done as a sequence of the following steps:
* Splitting the h265 stream into stream NAL units, based on the "Annex B" of the "ITU-T Rec. H.265 (08/2021)"
* Parsing the NAL unit headers, so that to read the type of the NAL unit
* Parsing the NAL unit body with the appropriate scheme, based on the NAL unit type read in the step before
* Aggregating the NAL units into a stream of access units
The output of the element is the incoming binary payload, enriched with the metadata describing the division of the payload into access units.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `membrane_h265_plugin` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:membrane_h265_plugin, "~> 0.1.0"}