defmodule Membrane.MP4.Container.Header do
@moduledoc """
A structure describing the header of the box.
The `content_size` field is equal to the box size minus the size of the header (8 bytes).
@enforce_keys [:name, :content_size]
defstruct @enforce_keys
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
name: atom(),
content_size: non_neg_integer()
@name_size 4
@size_size 4
@header_size @name_size + @size_size
@doc """
Parses the header of a box.
Returns the `t:t/0` and the leftover data.
@spec parse(binary()) :: {:ok, t, leftover :: binary()} | {:error, :not_enough_data}
def parse(
<<size::integer-size(@size_size)-unit(8), name::binary-size(@name_size), rest::binary>>
) do
name: parse_box_name(name),
content_size: size - @header_size
}, rest}
def parse(_data), do: {:error, :not_enough_data}
defp parse_box_name(name) do
name |> String.trim_trailing(" ") |> String.to_atom()