defmodule Membrane.RawAudio do
@moduledoc """
This module contains a definition and related functions for struct `t:#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.t/0`,
describing a format of raw audio stream with interleaved channels.
alias __MODULE__.SampleFormat
alias Membrane.Time
@compile {:inline,
sample_size: 1,
frame_size: 1,
sample_type_float?: 1,
sample_type_fixed?: 1,
big_endian?: 1,
little_endian?: 1,
signed?: 1,
unsigned?: 1,
sample_to_value: 2,
value_to_sample: 2,
value_to_sample_check_overflow: 2,
sample_min: 1,
sample_max: 1,
silence: 1,
frames_to_bytes: 2,
bytes_to_frames: 3,
frames_to_time: 3,
time_to_frames: 3,
bytes_to_time: 3,
time_to_bytes: 3
# Amount of channels inside a frame.
@type channels_t :: pos_integer
# Sample rate of the audio.
@type sample_rate_t :: pos_integer
@type t :: %Membrane.RawAudio{
channels: channels_t,
sample_rate: sample_rate_t,
sample_format: SampleFormat.t()
@enforce_keys [:channels, :sample_rate, :sample_format]
defstruct @enforce_keys
@doc """
Returns how many bytes are needed to store a single sample.
Inlined by the compiler
@spec sample_size(t) :: integer
def sample_size(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
{_type, size, _endianness} = SampleFormat.to_tuple(format)
size |> div(8)
@doc """
Returns how many bytes are needed to store a single frame.
Inlined by the compiler
@spec frame_size(t) :: integer
def frame_size(%__MODULE__{channels: channels} = format) do
sample_size(format) * channels
@doc """
Determines if the sample values are represented by a floating point number.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec sample_type_float?(t) :: boolean
def sample_type_float?(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:f, _size, _endianness} -> true
_otherwise -> false
@doc """
Determines if the sample values are represented by an integer.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec sample_type_fixed?(t) :: boolean
def sample_type_fixed?(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:s, _size, _endianness} -> true
{:u, _size, _endianness} -> true
_otherwise -> false
@doc """
Determines if the sample values are represented by a number in little endian byte ordering.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec little_endian?(t) :: boolean
def little_endian?(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{_type, _size, :le} -> true
{_type, _size, :any} -> true
_otherwise -> false
@doc """
Determines if the sample values are represented by a number in big endian byte ordering.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec big_endian?(t) :: boolean
def big_endian?(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{_type, _size, :be} -> true
{_type, _size, :any} -> true
_otherwise -> false
@doc """
Determines if the sample values are represented by a signed number.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec signed?(t) :: boolean
def signed?(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:s, _size, _endianness} -> true
{:f, _size, _endianness} -> true
_otherwise -> false
@doc """
Determines if the sample values are represented by an unsigned number.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec unsigned?(t) :: boolean
def unsigned?(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:u, _size, _endianness} -> true
_otherwise -> false
@doc """
Converts one raw sample into its numeric value, interpreting it for given sample format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec sample_to_value(bitstring, t) :: number
def sample_to_value(sample, %__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:s, size, endianness} when endianness in [:le, :any] ->
<<value::integer-size(size)-little-signed>> = sample
{:u, size, endianness} when endianness in [:le, :any] ->
<<value::integer-size(size)-little-unsigned>> = sample
{:s, size, :be} ->
<<value::integer-size(size)-big-signed>> = sample
{:u, size, :be} ->
<<value::integer-size(size)-big-unsigned>> = sample
{:f, size, :le} ->
<<value::float-size(size)-little>> = sample
{:f, size, :be} ->
<<value::float-size(size)-big>> = sample
@doc """
Converts value into one raw sample, encoding it with the given sample format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec value_to_sample(number, t) :: binary
def value_to_sample(value, %__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:s, size, endianness} when endianness in [:le, :any] ->
{:u, size, endianness} when endianness in [:le, :any] ->
{:s, size, :be} ->
{:u, size, :be} ->
{:f, size, :le} ->
{:f, size, :be} ->
@doc """
Same as value_to_sample/2, but also checks for overflow.
Returns {:error, :overflow} if overflow happens.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec value_to_sample_check_overflow(number, t) :: {:ok, binary} | {:error, :overflow}
def value_to_sample_check_overflow(value, format) do
if sample_min(format) <= value and sample_max(format) >= value do
{:ok, value_to_sample(value, format)}
{:error, :overflow}
@doc """
Returns minimum sample value for given sample format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec sample_min(t) :: number
def sample_min(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
import Bitwise
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:u, _size, _endianness} -> 0
{:s, size, _endianness} -> -(1 <<< (size - 1))
{:f, _size, _endianness} -> -1.0
@doc """
Returns maximum sample value for given sample format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec sample_max(t) :: number
def sample_max(%__MODULE__{sample_format: format}) do
import Bitwise
case SampleFormat.to_tuple(format) do
{:s, size, _endianness} -> (1 <<< (size - 1)) - 1
{:u, size, _endianness} -> (1 <<< size) - 1
{:f, _size, _endianness} -> 1.0
@doc """
Returns one 'silent' sample, that is value of zero in given format' sample format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec silence(t) :: binary
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s8}), do: <<0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u8}), do: <<128>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s16le}), do: <<0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u16le}), do: <<0, 128>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s16be}), do: <<0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u16be}), do: <<128, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s24le}), do: <<0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u24le}), do: <<0, 0, 128>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s24be}), do: <<0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u24be}), do: <<128, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s32le}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u32le}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 128>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :s32be}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :u32be}), do: <<128, 0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :f32le}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :f32be}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :f64le}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>
def silence(%__MODULE__{sample_format: :f64be}), do: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>
@doc """
Returns a binary which corresponds to the silence during the given interval
of time in given format' sample format
## Examples:
The following code generates the silence for the given format
iex> alias Membrane.RawAudio
iex> format = %RawAudio{sample_rate: 48_000, sample_format: :s16le, channels: 2}
iex> silence = RawAudio.silence(format, 100 |> Membrane.Time.microseconds())
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>
@spec silence(t, Time.non_neg(), (float -> integer)) :: binary
def silence(%__MODULE__{} = format, time, round_f \\ &(&1 |> :math.ceil() |> trunc))
when time >= 0 do
length = time_to_frames(time, format, round_f)
silence(format) |> String.duplicate(format.channels * length)
@doc """
Converts frames to bytes in given format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec frames_to_bytes(non_neg_integer, t) :: non_neg_integer
def frames_to_bytes(frames, %__MODULE__{} = format) when frames >= 0 do
frames * frame_size(format)
@doc """
Converts bytes to frames in given format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec bytes_to_frames(non_neg_integer, t, (float -> integer)) :: non_neg_integer
def bytes_to_frames(bytes, %__MODULE__{} = format, round_f \\ &trunc/1) when bytes >= 0 do
(bytes / frame_size(format)) |> round_f.()
@doc """
Converts time in Membrane.Time units to frames in given format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec time_to_frames(Time.non_neg(), t, (float -> integer)) :: non_neg_integer
def time_to_frames(time, %__MODULE__{} = format, round_f \\ &(&1 |> :math.ceil() |> trunc))
when time >= 0 do
(time * format.sample_rate / Time.second()) |> round_f.()
@doc """
Converts frames to time in Membrane.Time units in given format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec frames_to_time(non_neg_integer, t, (float -> integer)) :: Time.non_neg()
def frames_to_time(frames, %__MODULE__{} = format, round_f \\ &trunc/1)
when frames >= 0 do
(frames * Time.second() / format.sample_rate) |> round_f.()
@doc """
Converts time in Membrane.Time units to bytes in given format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec time_to_bytes(Time.non_neg(), t, (float -> integer)) :: non_neg_integer
def time_to_bytes(time, %__MODULE__{} = format, round_f \\ &(&1 |> :math.ceil() |> trunc))
when time >= 0 do
time_to_frames(time, format, round_f) |> frames_to_bytes(format)
@doc """
Converts bytes to time in Membrane.Time units in given format.
Inlined by the compiler.
@spec bytes_to_time(non_neg_integer, t, (float -> integer)) :: Time.non_neg()
def bytes_to_time(bytes, %__MODULE__{} = format, round_f \\ &trunc/1)
when bytes >= 0 do
frames_to_time(bytes |> bytes_to_frames(format), format, round_f)