# Membrane Multimedia Framework: Raw video format definition
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This package provides the definition of raw (uncompressed) video frames format for the elements written with
[Membrane Multimedia Framework](https://membraneframework.org).
## Installation
Unless you're developing an Membrane Element it's unlikely that you need to
use this package directly in your app, as normally it is going to be fetched as
a dependency of any element that operates on a raw (uncompressed) video stream.
However, if you are developing an Element or need to add it due to any other
reason, just add the following line to your `deps` in the `mix.exs` and run
`mix deps.get`.
{:membrane_raw_video_format, "~> 0.3.0"}
## Copyright and License
Copyright 2018, [Software Mansion](https://swmansion.com/?utm_source=git&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=membrane)
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Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)