# TimescaleDB metrics store for Membrane RTC Engine

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This repository allows storing metrics from `Membrane.RTC.Engine` reports in a TimescaleDB database.

It is part of [Membrane Multimedia Framework](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage

To use `membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb`, you have to have:

- running PostgreSQL database with Timescale extension
- config for `:membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb`
- configured `Ecto` repo in your project
- `Ecto` migration calling `Membrane.RTC.Engine.TimescaleDB.Migrations.up/1`

To create such a migration, execute `$ mix ecto.gen.migration create_rtc_engine_timescaledb_tables`, what will create new migration module, and add there calls to `up/0` and `down/0` from `Membrane.RTC.Engine.TimescaleDB.Migrations`. Your new migration module should look like the example below

defmodule MyApp.CreateRtcEngineTimescaledbTables do
  use Ecto.Migration

  alias Membrane.RTC.Engine.TimescaleDB.Migrations

  @spec up() :: :ok
  def up() do
    :ok = Migrations.up()

  @spec down() :: :ok
  def down() do
    :ok = Migrations.down()

Then, execute `$ mix ecto.migrate` to run the newly created migration.

To set up config for this library, put the following line in your config file:

config :membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb, repo: MyApp.Repo, cleanup_interval: 60 * 60, metrics_lifetime: 60 * 60 * 24


- `repo` (required) is a module in your project, that uses `Ecto.Repo`
- `cleanup_interval` (default: 1 hour) is the number of seconds between database cleanups
- `metrics_lifetime` (default: 24 hours) is the number of seconds that must pass from creation before each metric can be deleted during cleanup

## Metrics visualisation with Grafana

Metrics stored in the database using `membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb` can be simply visualized using Grafana.
To start the dashboard with RTC Engine metrics, create a volume with Grafana configuration files taken from `priv/grafana/provisioning` and mount it in the Grafana container at the default location: `/etc/grafana/provisioning`.
When assembling an Elixir release with a dependency on `membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb` the config files will be put in `lib/membrane_rtc_engine_timescaledb-0.1.0/priv/grafana/provisioning` directory inside the release.
If you want to put them in a different location (e.g. one that doesn't contain the library version, possibly changing over time), create an additional release step in `mix.exs` and use `Membrane.RTC.Engine.TimescaleDB.GrafanaHelper.cp_grafana_directory/1` inside, like in the example below:

defmodule Example.MixProject do
  use Mix.Project

  def project do
      project: :example_project,
      releases: [
        example_project: [
          steps: [:assemble, &cp_grafana_config/1]

  defp cp_grafana_config(release) do

You can create a volume containing `priv/grafana/provisioning`, by declaring it in your `docker-compose.yml`


and adding it to the container with the Elixir project and to the Grafana container

      - type: volume
        source: grafana-provisioning
        target: <path to grafana/provisioning in the related Docker image>
      - elixir_project
      - type: volume
        source: grafana-provisioning
        target: /etc/grafana/provisioning
        read_only: true
          nocopy: true

Beyond that, you have to set the following environment variables for your docker container

- `DB_NAME` - name of the database, that you store your metrics in
- `DB_USERNAME` - username used to log into the database
- `DB_PASSWORD` - password used to log into the database
- `DB_URL` - database URL in the form of `host:port`, eg. `localhost:5432`

To see an example, of how you can pass volumes and environment variables to the Docker containers, see `membrane_videoroom` [docker-compose.yml](

## Running tests

To start tests, you have to run `$ docker-compose up` command, to have a running database docker container. To set up the database before tests, run `$ MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.reset` in second terminal window. Tests can be run with `$ mix test --include long_running` command.

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2020, [Software Mansion](

[![Software Mansion](](

Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)