
defmodule Membrane.RTP.VAD do
  @moduledoc """
  Simple vad based on audio level sent in RTP header.

  To make this module work appropriate RTP header extension has to be set in SDP offer/answer.

  If avg of audio level in packets in `time_window` exceeds `vad_threshold` it emits
  notification `t:speech_notification_t/0`.

  When avg falls below `vad_threshold` and doesn't exceed it in the next `vad_silence_timer`
  it emits notification `t:silence_notification_t/0`.

  Buffers that are processed by this element may or may not have been processed by
  a depayloader and passed through a jitter buffer. If they have not, then the only timestamp
  available for time comparison is the RTP timestamp. The delta between RTP timestamps is
  dependent on the clock rate used by the encoding. For `OPUS` the clock rate is `48kHz` and
  packets are sent every `20ms`, so the RTP timestamp delta between sequential packets should
  be `48000 / 1000 * 20`, or `960`.

  When calculating the epoch of the timestamp, we need to account for 32bit integer wrapping.
  * `:current` - the difference between timestamps is low: the timestamp has not wrapped around.
  * `:next` - the timestamp has wrapped around to 0. To simplify queue processing we reset the state.
  * `:prev` - the timestamp has recently wrapped around. We might receive an out-of-order packet
    from before the rollover, which we ignore.
  use Membrane.Filter

  alias Membrane.RTP.Header

  def_input_pad :input,
    availability: :always,
    caps: :any,
    demand_unit: :buffers

  def_output_pad :output,
    availability: :always,
    caps: :any

  def_options vad_id: [
                spec: 1..14,
                description: "ID of VAD header extension."
              clock_rate: [
                spec: Membrane.RTP.clock_rate_t(),
                default: 48_000,
                description: "Clock rate (in `Hz`) for the encoding."
              time_window: [
                spec: pos_integer(),
                default: 2_000,
                description: "Time window (in `ms`) in which avg audio level is measured."
              min_packet_num: [
                spec: pos_integer(),
                default: 50,
                description: """
                Minimal number of packets to count avg audio level from.
                Speech won't be detected until there are enough packets.
              vad_threshold: [
                spec: -127..0,
                default: -50,
                description: """
                Audio level in dBov representing vad threshold.
                Values above are considered to represent voice activity.
                Value -127 represents digital silence.
              vad_silence_time: [
                spec: pos_integer(),
                default: 300,
                description: """
                Time to wait before emitting notification `t:silence_notification_t/0` after audio track is
                no longer considered to represent speech.
                If at this time audio track is considered to represent speech again the notification will not be sent.

  @typedoc """
  Notification sent after detecting speech activity.
  @type speech_notification_t() :: {:vad, :speech}

  @typedoc """
  Notification sent after detecting silence activity.
  @type silence_notification_t() :: {:vad, :silence}

  @impl true
  def handle_init(opts) do
    state = %{
      vad_id: opts.vad_id,
      clock_rate: opts.clock_rate,
      vad: :silence,
      vad_silence_timestamp: 0,
      current_timestamp: nil,
      rtp_timestamp_increment: opts.time_window * opts.clock_rate / 1000,
      min_packet_num: opts.min_packet_num,
      time_window: opts.time_window,
      vad_threshold: opts.vad_threshold,
      vad_silence_time: opts.vad_silence_time,
      audio_levels_sum: 0,
      audio_levels_count: 0

    {:ok, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_demand(:output, size, :buffers, _ctx, state) do
    {{:ok, demand: {:input, size}}, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_process(:input, %Membrane.Buffer{} = buffer, _ctx, state) do
    {extension, buffer} = Header.Extension.pop(buffer, state.vad_id)
    handle_if_present(buffer, extension, state)

  defp handle_if_present(buffer, nil, state), do: {{:ok, buffer: {:output, buffer}}, state}

  defp handle_if_present(buffer, extension, state) do
    <<_v::1, level::7>> =

    new_extension = %Header.Extension{
      identifier: :vad,

    buffer = Header.Extension.put(buffer, new_extension)

    rtp_timestamp = buffer.metadata.rtp.timestamp
    epoch = timestamp_epoch(state.current_timestamp, rtp_timestamp)
    current_timestamp = state.current_timestamp || 0

    cond do
      epoch == :current && rtp_timestamp > current_timestamp ->
        handle_vad(buffer, rtp_timestamp, level, state)

      epoch == :next ->
        {:ok, state} = handle_init(state)
        {{:ok, buffer: {:output, buffer}}, state}

      true ->
        {{:ok, buffer: {:output, buffer}}, state}

  defp handle_vad(buffer, rtp_timestamp, level, state) do
    state = %{state | current_timestamp: rtp_timestamp}
    state = filter_old_audio_levels(state)
    state = add_new_audio_level(state, level)
    audio_levels_vad = get_audio_levels_vad(state)
    actions = [buffer: {:output, buffer}] ++ maybe_notify(audio_levels_vad, state)
    state = update_vad_state(audio_levels_vad, state)
    {{:ok, actions}, state}

  @timestamp_limit 4_294_967_295

  defp timestamp_epoch(nil, _timestamp), do: :current

  defp timestamp_epoch(prev_timestamp, timestamp) do
    # a) current epoch
    distance_if_current = abs(timestamp - prev_timestamp)
    # b) the new timestamp is from the previous epoch
    distance_if_prev = abs(prev_timestamp - (timestamp - @timestamp_limit))
    # c) the new timestamp is in the next epoch
    distance_if_next = abs(prev_timestamp - (timestamp + @timestamp_limit))

      {:current, distance_if_current},
      {:next, distance_if_next},
      {:prev, distance_if_prev}
    |> Enum.min_by(fn {_atom, distance} -> distance end)
    |> then(fn {result, _value} -> result end)

  defp filter_old_audio_levels(state) do
    Enum.reduce_while(state.audio_levels, state, fn {level, timestamp}, state ->
      if Ratio.sub(state.current_timestamp, timestamp)
         |> do
        {_level, audio_levels} = Qex.pop(state.audio_levels)

        state = %{
          | audio_levels_sum: state.audio_levels_sum - level,
            audio_levels_count: state.audio_levels_count - 1,
            audio_levels: audio_levels

        {:cont, state}
        {:halt, state}

  defp add_new_audio_level(state, level) do
    audio_levels = Qex.push(state.audio_levels, {-level, state.current_timestamp})

      | audio_levels: audio_levels,
        audio_levels_sum: state.audio_levels_sum + -level,
        audio_levels_count: state.audio_levels_count + 1

  defp get_audio_levels_vad(state) do
    if state.audio_levels_count >= state.min_packet_num and avg(state) >= state.vad_threshold,
      do: :speech,
      else: :silence

  defp avg(state), do: state.audio_levels_sum / state.audio_levels_count

  defp maybe_notify(audio_levels_vad, state) do
    if vad_silence?(audio_levels_vad, state) or vad_speech?(audio_levels_vad, state) do
      [notify: {:vad, audio_levels_vad}]

  defp update_vad_state(audio_levels_vad, state) do
    cond do
      vad_maybe_silence?(audio_levels_vad, state) ->
        Map.merge(state, %{vad: :maybe_silence, vad_silence_timestamp: state.current_timestamp})

      vad_silence?(audio_levels_vad, state) or vad_speech?(audio_levels_vad, state) ->
        Map.merge(state, %{vad: audio_levels_vad})

      true ->

  defp vad_silence?(audio_levels_vad, state),
    do: state.vad == :maybe_silence and audio_levels_vad == :silence and timer_expired?(state)

  defp vad_speech?(audio_levels_vad, state) do
    (state.vad == :maybe_silence and audio_levels_vad == :speech) or
      (state.vad == :silence and audio_levels_vad == :speech)

  defp vad_maybe_silence?(audio_levels_vad, state),
    do: state.vad == :speech and audio_levels_vad == :silence

  defp timer_expired?(state),
    do: state.current_timestamp - state.vad_silence_timestamp > state.vad_silence_time