# Membrane.Telemetry.TimescaleDB
TimescaleDB metrics reporter for telemetry events emitted by [Membrane Core](https://hex.pm/packages/membrane_core).
Reporter attaches itself to [Telemetry package](https://hex.pm/packages/telemetry) and listens for events declared and documented in Membrane Core's module `Membrane.Telemetry`.
To prevent bottlenecks the reporter uses a pool of workers that are responsible for batching measurements up to a certain threshold before
inserting them to database.
## Requirements
- PostgreSQL server instance compatible with TimescaleDB extension.
## Installation
To make use of the reporter you should add it as a dependency in your application that is running your membrane's pipeline.
def deps do
{:membrane_timescaledb_reporter, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Measurements
For available events that can be handled by the reporter please refer to [Membrane.Telemetry](https://github.com/membraneframework/membrane_core/blob/master/lib/membrane/telemetry.ex)
module from `membrane_core`.
## Usage (starting reporter and its migrations)
In order to make use of the reporter one must provide database information inside your `config.exs` e.g:
config :membrane_timescaledb_reporter, Membrane.Telemetry.TimescaleDB.Repo,
database: "membrane_timescaledb_reporter",
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
hostname: "localhost",
chunk_time_interval: "3 minutes",
chunk_compress_policy_interval: "1 minute",
log: false
Then you can add a `Membrane.Telemetry.TimescaleDB` supervisor under your own supervision tree.
The supervisor will take its config from the following options:
config :membrane_timescaledb_reporter,
reporters: 5, # number of reporter's workers
auto_migrate?: true # decides if the auto migration task should get triggered during supervisor initialization
## Quick setup with docker-compose
For convenience the following yaml for docker compose can be used to setup the TimescaleDB
version: '3.7'
image: timescale/timescaledb:2.5.1-pg14
- 5432:5432
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
- POSTGRES_DB=membrane_timescaledb_reporter
- ./postgresql.conf:/opt/bitnami/postgresql/conf/postgresql.conf
## TimescaleDB parameters
There are two TimescaleDB specific attributes from config worth mentioning:
- `chunk_time_interval` - used for hyper table creation, more in [documentation](https://docs.timescale.com/latest/api#hypertable-management)
- `chunk_compress_policy_interval` - used as time interval for timescale's daemon compressing chunks, more in [documentation](https://docs.timescale.com/latest/api#add_compress_chunks_policy).
Adjust them accordingly to your membrane pipeline configuration and
amount of incoming events. For quick testing shorter intervals might be preferable as metrics can accumulate very fast.
Last attribute - `log` - if is set to `false`, decreases number of logs for higher readability and better performance.
Additional reporter options are:
config :membrane_timescaledb_reporter,
reporter_name: "membrane-timescaledb-handler",
flush_timeout: 5000,
flush_threshold: 1000
- `reporter name` - name under which reporter will register its handler inside Telemetry package
Some metrics can be sent hundreds times per second, to avoid database performance issues, measurements of certain event names are cached and later flushed to database in batches.
- `flush_timeout` - timeout in miliseconds after which cached measurements will be flushed, no matter how many of them are currently in the buffer
- `flush_threshold` - threshold after which cached measurements will be flushed to TimescaleDB
## Database Architecture
Reporter's repository will create three tables:
#### Table: measurements
**Used for generic measurements**
| Column | Type |
| time | timestamp without time zone |
| component_path_id | integer |
| metric | character varying(255) |
| value | integer |
### Table: component_paths
**Helper table for registering element paths**
| Column | Type |
| id | bigint |
| path | character varying(255) |
### Table: links
**Used for managing new link events**
| Column | Type |
| time | timestamp without time zone |
| parent_path | character varying(255) |
| from | character varying(255) |
| to | character varying(255) |
| pad_from | character varying(255) |
| pad_to | character varying(255) |
Tables `measurements` and `component_paths` are correlated via component_id from `measurements` table.
Full element paths can be quite lengthy and repeat frequently so they are stored in separate table.
Timescale will create hyper table based on `measurements` table and only this table will be chunked and further compressed.
## Copyright and License
Copyright 2020, [Software Mansion](https://swmansion.com/?utm_source=git&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=membrane)
[![Software Mansion](https://logo.swmansion.com/logo?color=white&variant=desktop&width=200&tag=membrane-github)](https://swmansion.com/?utm_source=git&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=membrane)
Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)