# memdb

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*A simple in-memory K/V store with MVCC semantics*


##### Contents

* [Introduction](#introduction-)
* [Installation](#installation-)
* [Documentation](#documentation-)
* [Usage](#usage-)
* [License](#license-)

## Overview [↟](#contents)

memdb is K/V store built on top of [ETS]( memdb compared to ETS provides
concurrent access to the database using [MVCC]( allowing
multiple reader to read concurrently a consitent view of the database without locking.

All writes are serialized for now.

A MemDB's memory consumption increases monotonically, even if keys are deleted or values are updated. Compaction can be
triggered manually or automatically using the auto-vacuum. A full snapshot can be stored or copied in another database
if needed.

## Documentation [↟](#contents)

Full doc is available in [`memdb`](doc/

## Build [↟](#contents)

$ rebar3 compile

## Usage

Start up an Erlang shell:

``` shell
$ rebar3 shell

### Create a database [↟](#contents)

Name = mydb.
Db = memdb:open(Name).

### Store a values [↟](#contents)

Storing a value associated to a key using `memdb:put/3`:

Key = <<"a">>,
Value = 1,
ok =  memdb:put(Key, Value, Db).

### Retrieve a value [&#x219F;](#contents)

Use the `memdb:get/2` function to retrieve a value.

Value = memdb:get(Key, Db).

Value should be `1`. Note that you can use `memdb:contains/2` to check ahead of time:

``` erl
memdb:contains(Key, Db).

### Delete a value [&#x219F;](#contents)

Use `memdb:delete/2` to delete a value:

ok = memdb:delete(Key, Db).

### Working with Multiple Values [&#x219F;](#contents)

#### Storing

Using `memdb:write_batch/2` you can write and delete multiple values in one

ok =  memdb:write_batch([{put, <<"a">>, 1},
                         {put, <<"b">>, 2},
                         {put, <<"c">>, 3}], Db),

ok =  memdb:write_batch([{put, <<"d">>, 4},
                         {delete, <<"b">>},
                         {put, <<"e">>, 5}], Db).

#### Retrieving

Use `memdb:fold/4` to retrieve multiples K/Vs

### Close Db [&#x219F;](#contents)

Close a storage using `memdb:close/1`:


## License [&#x219F;](#contents)

Copyright © 2015 Benoît Chesneau
Copyright © 2024 Duncan McGreggor

Distributed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.

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