
Simple memory database for Erlang application using 
[MVCC]( to store the data.

## Design

Data are stored in an ETS table, writes are collected in a simple ERLANG process to allows atomic batch. Reads
are none blocking and directly access to the table

Active version sand running databases snapshots are maintained via another Erlang OTP gen_server. Snapshots 
allows the user to maintain a stable view of the database during the queries. Until a snapshot or an iterator
is released deleted keys/values associated to this database version won't be deleted.

Garbage collection (the removal of old versions) is done in background.

## Basic Operations

### Open a simple database


Db = test,
Options = [],

%% open the database
ok = memstore:open(Db, Options),

%% try to read an write a key/value

Key = a,
Value = b,

%% value is not yet created, fetching it return not_found
not_found = memstore:get(Db, Key),

%% create the key
ok = memstore:put(Db, Key, Value),

%% fetch the value for this key
{ok, b} = memstore:get(Db, Key),

%% delete the Key
ok = memstore:delete(Db, Key),
not_found = memstore:get(Db, Key),

%% close the database
ok = memstore:close(Db).

### Atomic updates


ok = memstore:open(test, []),
ok = memstore:write_batch(test,
  {put, a, b},
  {put, c, d}
{ok, b} = memstore:get(test, a),
{ok, d} = memstore:get(test, c),
ok = memstore:write_batch(test,
  {delete, a},
  {delete, c}
not_found = memstore:get(test, a),
not_found = memstore:get(test, c),
ok = memstore:close(test).

### Snapshots

Snapshots provide consistent read-only views over the entire state of the key-value store.

ok = memstore:open(test, []),
not_found = memstore:get(test, a),
ok = memstore:put(test, a, b),
{ok, b} = memstore:get(test, a),
Snapshot = memstore:new_snapshot(test),
1 = memstore:get_snapshot_sequence(Snapshot),
ok = memstore:put(test, c, d),
{ok, b} = memstore:get(test, a, [{snapshot, Snapshot}]),
not_found = memstore:get(test, c, [{snapshot, Snapshot}]),
{ok, d} = memstore:get(test, c),
ok = memstore:close(test).

> Note that when a snapshot is no longer needed, it should be released using the 
`memstore:release_snapshot/1` function. This allows the implementation to get rid 
of state that was being maintained just to support reading as of that snapshot.

### Iteration

The following example shows how to iterate all the keys in the database

%% create some keys
ok = memstore:open(test, []),
ok = memstore:put(test, <<"a">>, <<"x">>),
ok = memstore:put(test, <<"b">>, <<"y">>),
{ok, <<"x">>} = memstore:get(test, <<"a">>),

%% create an iterator
{ok, I} = memstore:iterator(test, []),

%% move to an empty key 

{ok, <<"a">>, <<"x">>} =  memstore:iterator_move(I, {seek, <<>>}),

%% move forward
{ok, <<"b">>, <<"y">>} = memstore:iterator_move(I, next),

%% move backward
{ok, <<"a">>, <<"x">>} = memstore:iterator_move(I, prev),

%% close the iterator
ok = memstore:iterator_close(I),

ok = memstore:close(test).


## Build

    $ rebar3 compile