# Mentor

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Because we love composability!

No magic, but a higher-level API to generate structed output with LLM, based on a "schema", it can be:
- a raw map/struct/data structure (string, tuple and so on) (wip)
- an `Ecto` schema (embedded, database or schemaless changesets)
- a `peri` schema definition (wip)

## Installation

def deps do
    {:mentor, "~> 0.1"}

## Usage
The `mentor` library is useful for coaxing an LLM to return JSON that maps to a schema that you provide, rather than the default unstructured text output. If you define your own validation logic, `mentor` can automatically retry prompts when validation fails (returning natural language error messages to the LLM, to guide it when making corrections).

`mentor` is designed to be used with a variaty of LLM providers like [OpenAI API](, [llama.cpp](, [Bumblebee]( and so on (check the [LLM.Adapters](#llm-adapters) section) by using an extendable adapter behavior.

At its simplest, usage with `Ecto` is pretty straightforward: 

1. Create an `Ecto` schema, with a native `@moduledoc` string that explains the schema definition to the LLM or define a `llm_description/0` callback to return it.
2. Use the `Mentor.Ecto.Schema` macro to validate and fetch the documentation prompt and enforce callbacks.
3. Define an usual `changeset/2` function on the schema.
4. Construct a `Mentor` and pass it to `Mentor.complete/1` to generate the structured output.

defmodule SpamPrediction do
  @moduledoc """
  ## Field Descriptions:
  - class: Whether or not the email is spam.
  - reason: A short, less than 10 word rationalization for the classification.
  - score: A confidence score between 0.0 and 1.0 for the classification.

  use Ecto.Schema
  use Mentor.Ecto.Schema

  import Ecto.Changeset

  @primary_key false
  embedded_schema do
    field :class, Ecto.Enum, values: [:spam, :not_spam]
    field :reason, :string
    field :score, :float

  @impl true
  def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = source, %{} = attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:class, :reason, :score])
    |> validate_number(:score, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0.0, less_than_or_equal_to: 1.0)

  # this can be in another module and the function name doesn't matter
  def instruct(text) when is_binary(text) do
      schema: __MODULE__,
      max_retries: 2 # defaults to 3
    # append how many custom messages you want
    |> Mentor.append_message(%{
      role: "user",
      content: "Classify the following email: #{text}"
    # pass specific config to the adapter
    |> Mentor.configure_adapter(api_key: System.fetch_env!("OPENAI_API_KEY"), model: "gpt-4o-mini")
    # you can also overwrite the initial prompt
    |> Mentor.overwrite_initial_prompt("""
    Your purpose is to classify customer support emails as either spam or not.
    This is for a clothing retail business.
    They sell all types of clothing.
    # trigger the instruction to be completed (aka sent it to the LLM)
    # since all above steps are lazy
    |> Mentor.complete()

Hello I am a Nigerian prince and I would like to send you money
# => {:ok, %SpamPrediction{class: :spam, reason: "Nigerian prince email scam", score: 0.98}}

Check out our [Quickstart Guide]( for more code snippets that you can run locally (in Livebook). Or, to get a better idea of the thinking behind Instructor, read more about our [Philosophy & Motivations](

## References
- [OpenAI text generation docs](
- [OpenAI structured outputs docs](
- [OpenAI input formatting cookbook](
- [Anthropic Message format](

## Spiritual inspirations
- [instructor_ex](
- [instructor_lite](