# Mercadolibre

**TODO: Add description**

## Installation

  1. Add `mercadolibre` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:mercadolibre, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Usage

You can do api calls by using one of two methods:
Mercadolibre.request(:get, "/items/MLA123", [])

Which simply does a request and returns a tuple like
{http_status_code, decoded_response}

Mercadolibre.authenticated_request(client_pid, verb, url, data)`

which requires the pid of a Mercadolibre.Authentication process.

## Example

{:ok, auth} = Mercadolibre.Authentication.start_link(%{client_id: "x", client_secret: "y"}) 
Mercadolibre.authenticated_request(auth, :get, "items/MLA123")
Probably you'll want a supervised Authentication process.

# ...
children = [
  worker(Authentication, [%{client_id: "x", client_secret: "y"}, name: :account1])
supervise(children, strategy: one_for_one)

and then:
Mercadolibre.authenticated_request(:account1, :post, "items", %{title: "Title", price: 10})