Merkel [![](](

Implements a balanced, merkle binary hash tree. [Wikipedia]( [Bitcoin](

Merkle trees are a beautiful data structure for summarizing and verifying data integrity.
They are named in honor of distinguished computer scientist Ralph Merkle. This library is named
with a slight twist (le to el :arrows_clockwise:) to salute Angela Merkel's push for algorithmic transparency.

> “I am of the opinion that algorithms must be made more transparent so that one 
> can inform oneself as an interested citizen about questions like, ‘What influences my 
> behaviour on the internet and that of others?’” 
> “These algorithms — when they are not transparent — can lead to a distortion of our perception. 
> They narrow our breadth of information.” [Source](

A Source of Data Integrity -
>  The reason why this works is that hashes propagate upward: if a malicious 
>  user attempts to swap in a fake transaction into the bottom of a Merkle tree, 
>  this change will cause a change in the node above, and then a change in the 
>  node above that, finally changing the root of the tree and therefore the hash 
>  of the block, causing the protocol to register it as a completely different block 
>  (almost certainly with an invalid proof of work)"
>   - [Ethereum](

## Noteworthy

* Uses AVL rotations :arrows_clockwise: to keep the tree balanced (relying on inner search keys for order property)
* Creation from list creates a balanced tree without any initial rotations or rehashings (RECOMMENDED)
* Supports key value storage, retrieval, and deletion
* Supports these hash algorithms: md5, ripemd160, sha, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512 - See [crypto](
* Supports double hashing
* Provides proof of existence in verifiable format
* Keys are binary, and values are any type (use your discretion if you want the tree to be compact)

## Usage

* Note: Since keys are binaries we will use mostly String keys for visual clarity

* Helpful background

iex> l = [{"zebra", 23}, {"daisy", "932"}, {"giraffe", 29}, {"anteater", "12"}, {"walrus", 49}]

iex>, fn {k, _v} -> {k, Merkel.Crypto.hash(k)} end)

  {"zebra", "676cb75018edccf10fce6f376f2124e02c3293fa3fe8f953c75386198c714514"},
  {"daisy", "42029ef215256f8fa9fedb53542ee6553eef76027b116f8fac5346211b1e473c"},
  {"giraffe", "6bb7e067447139b18f6094d2d15bcc264affde89a8b9f5227fe5b38abd8b19d7"},
  {"anteater", "b0ce2ef96d43c0e0f83d57785f9a87b647065ca75360ca5e9de520e7f690c3f9"},
  {"walrus", "9671014645ce9d6f8bae746fded25064937658d712004bd01d8f4c093c387bf3"}

* Create new MHT

iex> m1 =
 {"f92f0f98d165457a4122bbe165aefa14928f45943f9b11880b51d720a1ad37c1", "<=gi..>",
  {"bbe4..", "<=da..>", 2,
   {"5ad2..", "<=an..>", 1, {"b0ce..", "anteater", 0}, {"4202..", "daisy", 0}},
   {"6bb7..", "giraffe", 0}},
  {"9b02..", "<=wa..>", 1, {"9671..", "walrus", 0}, {"676c..", "zebra", 0}}}}>

# Notes:
# double letter represents inner node search keys abbreviations,
# whose left values are <= to the search key, and right values are >
# gi is the root node with search key giraffe at height 3, with merkle hash: f92f..
# ant is abbreviated for anteater for space
# leaves are at height 0

 3                gi              3
              /       \
 2          da         wa         1
          /    \     /     \
 1     an   giraffe walrus zebra  0
      /  \
 0  ant   daisy

* Create new MHT with binary keys that aren't printable strings

iex> l = [{<<231,23, 11>>, 23}, {<<108,1>>, "932"}, {<<21, 11>>, 29}, 
{"anteater" <> <<0>>, "12"}, {"walrus" <> <<0>>, 49}]
  <<108, 1>>, 3,
  {"7eb5..", "<=an..>", 2,
   {"eca4..", <<21, 11>>, 1, {"60c2..", <<21, 11>>, 0},
    {"7931..", <<97, 110, 116, 101, 97, 116, 101, 114, 0>>, 0}},
   {"a233..", <<108, 1>>, 0}},
  {"9ccb..", "<=wa..>", 1, {"5122..", <<119, 97, 108, 114, 117, 115, 0>>, 0},
   {"e93a..", <<231, 23, 11>>, 0}}}}>

 3                <<108,1>>                     3
              /               \
 2          an                  wa              1
          /    \               /   \
 1   <<21,11> <<108,1>> <<119,97..> <<231,2..>  0
      /     \
 0 <<21,11>  <<97, 110..>

* Lookup key value

iex> Merkel.lookup(m1, "walrus")
{:ok, 49}

* Insert key value pairs (and notice rotations)

iex> m2 = Merkel.insert(m1, {"aardvark", 999})
 {"17b632f2e3ee68ef4bb880825c7d6bf3c674c9f0fb4d8f81a5654590e107f936", "<=gi..>",
  {"b1f2..", "<=an..>", 2,
   {"2fc5..", "<=aa..>", 1, {"cf9c..", "aardvark", 0},
    {"b0ce..", "anteater", 0}},
   {"92af..", "<=da..>", 1, {"4202..", "daisy", 0}, {"6bb7..", "giraffe", 0}}},
  {"9b02..", "<=wa..>", 1, {"9671..", "walrus", 0}, {"676c..", "zebra", 0}}}}>

             /        \
            an          wa
          /   \       /     \
       aa      da  walrus zebra
      / \     /   \
aardvark ant daisy giraffe

iex> m3 = Merkel.insert(m2, {"elephant", "He's big"})
 {"af4b1fc2c7a9189aad3b4b60ee8d5235c7df262264e77ce62622f32725eb0424", "<=da..>",
  {"1779..", "<=an..>", 2,
   {"2fc5..", "<=aa..>", 1, {"cf9c..", "aardvark", 0},
    {"b0ce..", "anteater", 0}}, {"4202..", "daisy", 0}},
  {"add5..", "<=gi..>", 2,
   {"3b00..", "<=el..>", 1, {"cd08..", "elephant", 0}, {"6bb7..", "giraffe", 0}},
   {"9b02..", "<=wa..>", 1, {"9671..", "walrus", 0}, {"676c..", "zebra", 0}}}}}>

              /         \
            an            gi
          /   \        /      \
       aa     daisy  el         wa
      / \           /  \        / \
aardvark ant elephant giraffe walr zebra

* Delete key

iex> {:ok, m4} = Merkel.delete(m3, "daisy")
   "<=an..>", 3,
   {"2fc5..", "<=aa..>", 1, {"cf9c..", "aardvark", 0},
    {"b0ce..", "anteater", 0}},
   {"add5..", "<=gi..>", 2,
    {"3b00..", "<=el..>", 1, {"cd08..", "elephant", 0},
     {"6bb7..", "giraffe", 0}},
    {"9b02..", "<=wa..>", 1, {"9671..", "walrus", 0}, {"676c..", "zebra", 0}}}}}>}

              /         \
            aa            gi
          /   \        /      \
  aardvark  anteater el         wa
                    /  \        / \
             elephant giraffe walr zebra

* Insert key value

iex> m5 = Merkel.insert(m4, {"penguin", :waddle})
 {"e79f6fa607ad5d0a8e93a8ba759b266d52a71471222f11fe1ab07ee89ef9f4a4", "<=gi..>",
  {"3c2f..", "<=an..>", 2,
   {"2fc5..", "<=aa..>", 1, {"cf9c..", "aardvark", 0},
    {"b0ce..", "anteater", 0}},
   {"3b00..", "<=el..>", 1, {"cd08..", "elephant", 0}, {"6bb7..", "giraffe", 0}}},
  {"0d77..", "<=wa..>", 2,
   {"b881..", "<=pe..>", 1, {"0a43..", "penguin", 0}, {"9671..", "walrus", 0}},
   {"676c..", "zebra", 0}}}}>

              /               \
            an                    wa
          /   \                /      \
       aa       el            pe      zebra
      / \      / \           /  \       
aardvark ant elep giraffe  penguin walrus

* Update value for key
* Get all keys

iex> m6 = Merkel.insert(m5, {"walrus", {"eats too many fish"}})
..(same as above)..
iex> Merkel.lookup(m6, "walrus")
{:ok, {"eats too many fish"}}
iex> Merkel.keys(m6)
["aardvark", "anteater", "elephant", "giraffe", "penguin", "walrus", "zebra"]

* Create audit proof
* Note: the audit path is in a special tuple form reflective of audit trail order

iex> proof = Merkel.audit(m6, "elephant")
  key: "elephant",
  path: {{"2fc521eca930a09a28bad66d9a1380f7cfe895c77f17c7f8996a840471ba857d",
    {{}, "6bb7e067447139b18f6094d2d15bcc264affde89a8b9f5227fe5b38abd8b19d7"}},

==== denotes key
---- denotes audit hashes

                /               \
             an                    wa (0d77..)
          /     \                /      \
(2fc5..) aa      el             pe      zebra
       /  \      / \           /  \       
 aardvark ant elep giraffe  penguin walrus
              ==== -------

* Verify audit proof

iex> Merkel.verify(proof, Merkel.tree_hash(m6))

* Pretty print

iex> Merkel.print(m6)

              0 zebra 676c..
       2 <=wa..> 0d77..
                     0 walrus 9671..
              1 <=pe..> b881..
                     0 penguin 0a43..

3 <=gi..> e79f6fa607ad5d0a8e93a8ba759b266d52a71471222f11fe1ab07ee89ef9f4a4 (Merkle Root)

                     0 giraffe 6bb7..
              1 <=el..> 3b00..
                     0 elephant cd08..
       2 <=an..> 3c2f..
                     0 anteater b0ce..
              1 <=aa..> 2fc5..
                     0 aardvark cf9c..


## Configure

* Configure the hash algorithm to override the default :sha256 (if necessary)

# Override in config.exs
# Options are: :md5, :ripemd160, :sha, :sha224, :sha256, :sha384, :sha512
config :merkel, hash_algorithm: :sha384

* Configure the hash apply to override the default :single (if necessary)

# Override in config.exs
# Options are: :single, :double
# E.g. Bitcoin does a double :sha256 hash, meaning it hashes twice
config :merkel, hash_apply: :double             

## Install

* Add to mix dependency list in mix.exs

def deps do
  [{:merkel, "~> 1.0.2"}]

## Future

* Parallel insertions / deletions? :)
* Serialization format?

## Thanks!

Thanks for the great Erlang/Elixir/Go/Clojure/Java open source merkle tree 
related projects for the inspiration!

Bibek Pandey