# Merkle [![ version](](

Implementation of binary [Merkle Tree]( in Elixir.

## Installation

  1. Add merkle to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:merkle, "~> 0.0.1"}]

## Usage

### Choosing the mixing function
The mixing function is the one that gets two hashes from one floor, joins them and output the result for pushing it to the next level in the tree.

defmodule Tree do
  # "Merkle.Mixers.sha256" simply takes to hashes, concatenates them and calculates the SHA256 hash of the resulting string.
  use Merkle, &Merkle.Mixers.sha256/2

All available mixers are:
* `Merkle.Mixers.sha256`
* `Merkle.Mixers.commutable_sha256`
* `Merkle.Mixers.sha3_256`
* `Merkle.Mixers.sha3_512`
* `Merkle.Mixers.commutable_sha3_256`
* `Merkle.Mixers.commutable_sha3_512`

If you use a 512 bits mixer, please pass 64 as a second parameter in the `use` call:
  use Merkle, &Merkle.Mixers.sha3_512/2, 64

Commutable mixers output the same result even if you reverse the order of the pair of hashes:
# Result is true
Merkle.Mixers.commutable_sha256("AA", "BB") == Merkle.Mixers.commutable_sha256("BB", "AA")

### Creating a new tree
{:ok, pid} =
pid =!

### Pushing elements to a tree
pid |> Tree.push "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855"
pid |> Tree.push "38B060A751AC96384CD9327EB1B1E36A21FDB71114BE07434C0CC7BF63F6E1DA"
`Tree.push/1` returns `:ok` upon success or `{:error, error_name}` if something goes wrong.

Optionally, you can attach a metadata Map to hashes and retrieve it later when you get the Merkle Proof:
pid |> Tree.push({"E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", %{foo: "bar"}})

### Getting current state of a tree
{merkle_tree, merkle_proofs} = pid |> Tree.get

### Closing a tree
Closing a tree ensures the existence of a single Merkle Root and returns it.
merkle_root = pid |> Tree.close

### Flushing a tree
pid |> Tree.flush

### Getting the Merkle Proof for a hash
Once you have finished adding hashes to your Merkle Tree and closed it by using `Tree.close/0`, you can get the Merkle Proofs for any hash in the tree like this:
hash = "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855"
root = pid |> Tree.close

{_merkle_tree, merkle_proofs} = pid |> Tree.get
{proof, _metadata} = merkle_proofs |> Map.get(hash)

### Verifying that a Merkle Proof is valid
In order to verify that a Merkle Proof is valid and therefore prove that the hash was in the tree, you just need the hash, the proof itself and the Merkle Root.
# Result will be :ok or :error
result = hash |> Tree.prove(proof, root)