# MetaHeexComponent

Meta tags management for Phoenix applications.

## Features

- Dynamic meta tag management for SEO
- Open Graph and Twitter Card support
- LiveView and controller integration
- Customizable defaults with fallback values
- Flexible support for additional meta tags

## Installation

Add `meta_heex_component` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:meta_heex_component, "~> 0.1.0"}

# Configuration
Configure default meta tags in your config files:

# config/config.exs
config :meta_heex_component,
  defaults: %{
    og_type: "website",
    twitter_card: "summary_large_image",
    locale: "en",
    robots: "index,follow",
    viewport: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"

## Examle usage in a Controller:

def index(conn, _params) do
  |> MetaHeexComponent.put_meta(
      meta_description: "Welcome to our homepage",
      og_title: "Homepage"
  |> render("index.html")

## Example usage in LiveView:
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
     page_title: "Dashboard",
     meta_description: "Your dashboard overview",
     og_title: "User Dashboard",
     twitter_card: "summary",
     additional_meta_tags: [
       %{name: "robots", content: "index,follow"},
       %{property: "og:locale", content: "en_US"}

## Available Attributes
All attributes are optional and will use configured defaults (config.exs) when not provided.

### SEO Attributes
meta_description - Primary meta description for SEO
meta_keywords - Keywords for SEO
author - Content author
robots - Robots meta tag content (like "index,follow")

### Open Graph Attributes
og_title - Open Graph title
og_description - Falls back to meta_description if not provided
og_type - Type (e.g., 'website', 'article')
og_image - Image URL
og_url - URL

### Twitter Card Attributes
twitter_card - Card type (e.g., 'summary_large_image')
twitter_site - @username for the website
twitter_title - Falls back to og_title if not provided
twitter_description - Falls back to og_description if not provided
twitter_image - Image URL

### Additional Attributes
canonical_url - Canonical URL
locale - Content language (e.g., 'en', 'es')
viewport - Viewport settings
additional_meta_tags - List of additional meta tags
### Default Fallbacks
The component implements smart fallbacks:

og_description falls back to meta_description
og_title falls back to meta_description
twitter_title falls back to og_title
twitter_description falls back to og_description
### Additional Meta Tags
custom additional_meta_tags (list) - List of additional meta tags in the format:

    %{property: "og:locale", content: "en_US"}

## Example integration in root.html.heex:

Include the meta tags in your layout, for example:

  <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
    meta_description={assigns[:meta_description] || "Fallback"}
    meta_keywords={assigns[:meta_keywords] || "default, keywords"}
    author={assigns[:author] || "Default Author"}
    og_title={assigns[:og_title] || "Default OG Title"}
    og_image={assigns[:og_image] || "default_image.png"}
      # add any others you want
      %{name: "application-name", content: "Your App"},
      %{property: "og:locale", content: "en_US"}
## Import into html_helper

You can also import the functionality into your html_helper in lib/your_app_web.ex for easier use across your application. Add the following:

defmodule YourAppWeb do
  def html_helpers do
    ... other entries
    quote do
      import MetaHeexComponent

# License

### The End