# Metatags

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Metatags provides an easy and flexible way to set both default and page specific metatags that are
used for SEO, Facebook, Twitter etc.

Documentation is available at [](

## Installation

Add `metatags` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:metatags, "~> 0.5.0"}]

Add the plug to your router and configure the defaults
(You can use `Application.get_env/3` if you'd like to extract it into the
configuration file).

defmodule MyRouter do
  use Plug.Conn

  plug Metatags.Plug,
    sitename: "My_app",
    title_separator: "-",
    default_tags: %{
      "title" => "Welcome!",
      "description" => "My_app is a great app",
      "keywords" => ["My_app", "great", "elixir"]

## Usage

In your controller put page specific data:
|> Metatags.put("title", "About My_app")
|> Metatags.put("description", "My app is just a regular app")
|> Metatags.put("og", %{"image" => "http://myimage.jpg"}) # You can have nested structures
|> Metatags.put("og:image", "http://myimage.jpg") # or define them inline
|> Metatags.put("canonical", "")
|> Metatags.put("alternate", "", hreflang: "en-GB")

And print them out inside your head tag
    <%= Metatags.print_tags(@conn) %>