# MetricsStatsd

`metrics_statsd` provides an Elixir wrapper around the [Erlang metrics app
from Hackney]( and adds a reporting
module for Statsd.

**Please note**: This wrapper is suitable for version `~> 1.0.1` of `metrics`.

## Installation

  1. Add `metrics_statsd` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:metrics_statsd, "~> 1.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure `metrics_statsd` is initialized before usage:

    Metrics.init() # uses statsd reporting by default

    # OR specify the repoting module to use (e.g. the original Folsom module)

  3. Send metrics (examples)

      Metrics.increment "mycounter"

      Metrics.time "mytimer", fn ->
        # code to time

## Using the MetricsStatsD reporting module

`MetricsStatsD` uses `ExStatsD` under the hood, so please
make sure to configure it to your liking, e.g.

config :ex_statsd,
  host: "statsd",
  port: 8125,
  namespace: "myapp"