
An Elixir library to log custom application metrics (for use by other downstream systems such as [Librato](, [Riemann]( etc...)

Metrix subscribes to the Twelve Factor App notion that [logs are streams of time-ordered events]( and that events should be captured and recorded in the [l2met logging convention](

What this means in pragmatic terms is that this library provides a few convenience methods to help you capture data from your application to `stdout` in a well-structured key-value format:

measure#api.request.service=23.43ms path=/v1/user.json response_status=200
sample#api.response.size=1.34kb path=/v1/user.json
count#user.login user_id=32 other="data with spaces"

*Metrix does **not** do any calculations itself. It merely logs the data its given in a specific format. If you are looking for an in-app instrumentation library, you may want to look at [exometer]( or [folsom]( instead.*

## Benefits

Treating "logs as data" in this manner has several advantages, including:

* Logs are machine parseable *and* human readable, providing the best of both worlds
* It's a low-overhead way of getting data out of your app, not requiring any additional in-app processing or dependencies
* The ability to pipe app data to one or more downstream processors, such as Librato for visualization and Reimann for alerting, without requiring modification to the app
* Data is output via `stdout` and can be manipulated with a multitude of POSIX utilities

If you are looking for a more substantive justification for this style of logging, please see [5 Steps to Better Application Logging](

## Install

Add `metrix` to your applications in `mix.exs`:

def application do
  [mod: {YourApp, []},
   applications: [..., :metrix]]

And declare it as a dependency:

defp deps do
    # ...
    {:metrix, github: "rwdaigle/metrix"}

Then update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Usage

There are three types of metrics natively supported by Metrixs, `count`s, `sample`s and `measure`ments.

### Count

When you want to count the occurrences of an event in your app, use `count`:

import Metrix

count "app.event"
count "app.event", 3

Which will output:


Event metadata can be attached by passing in a map as the first argument:

%{"path" => "/users/1"} |> count "app.event"

Which outputs:

```session path=/users/1

When passed to log processors like Librato, counts can be min, max, summed, stacked etc...


### Sample

Samples are used to take periodic, point-in-time, measurements such as CPU load, hard disk space etc...

Samples are logged in the same fashion as `count`:

import Metrix

sample "file.size", "12.3kb"
%{"file" => "/images/hi.png"} |> sample "file.size", "12.3kb"

Which will output:

sample#file.size=12.3kb file=/images/hi.png

Samples are captured in Librato with the units used in the measurement value (`kb` in this case) and can be averaged, p50, p95, and p99d.


### Measure

Measurements are measures of time, most often used to track execution time. As such, they wrap a block of code whose execution time is to be measured:

import Metrix

measure "api.request", fn -> HTTPotion.get "" end

%{"path" => "/get"}
|> measure "api.request", fn -> HTTPotion.get "" end

Measurements are taken in `ms`:

measure#api.request=131ms path=/get

It's common to want to add metadata to a measurement that is used within the function call (the `path` above being a good example). Instead of providing a no-arg function to `measure`, you can provide a 1-arity function that accepts the metrics metadata (and can pattern match against it). For instance:

%{"path" => "/get", "client" => "elixir"}
|> measure "api.request", fn(%{"path" => path}) -> HTTPotion.get "{path}" end
measure#api.request=131ms path=/get client=elixir

Measurements in Librato are collected into median, p95 and p99 series:


### Global context

Often times there is metadata you want applied to every measurement. For instance a `source` element indicating which server the output originated from or `app` which differentiates output from multiple components going to the same downstream processor. This type of universally applicable metadata can be set once using the global context:

Metrix.add_context %{"source" => System.get_env("NODE_NAME")}
Metrix.count ""


The context can be cleared with `Metrix.clear_context`, though be aware it is global context and will be cleared for all output.

## Heroku & Librato

Librato is my preferred choice for metrics visualization and long-term storage. It also plays very well with apps deployed to Heroku. Follow these instructions to get your Heroku app's Metrix log output streaming to Librato for processing.

### Librato add-on

If your app is deployed to Heroku, just add the Librato add-on and all [custom counts, samples and measurements]( will automatically be sent to Librato which will apply median, p95, p99 and a host of other real-time aggregations. In addition, Heroku's native logging will also be piped to Librato, giving you both platform and app metrics in one place.

### External Librato account

If you already have a Librato account, you can still stream your data to from Heroku by setting up a [custom log drain](

## Todo

There are a few known missing pieces, including:

* Multiple metrics per log line
* Scoped contexts (e.g., request ids)
* Logger/log level integration
* k/v pair ordering

## Acknowledgements

This library was built as an Elixir alternative to the Ruby-based [Scrolls]( library, which I've found to be indispensable. It was also built on top of [Logfmt](, which handles the mundane but critical task of actually formatting the output as correctly escaped key/value pairs.