# Microboxlabs.AuthManager

Microboxlabs.AuthManager is an Elixir package designed to facilitate authentication management in your projects. While the core functionalities are being actively developed, we invite the community to provide feedback and contribute to making it a versatile tool for all Elixir developers.

## Features

- **Easy Authentication Management**: Simplify how you handle authentication in your Elixir projects.
- **Seamless Integration**: Designed to work effortlessly with existing Elixir applications.
*Note: More features will be listed as they are added.*

## Installation

### Via Hex

Microboxlabs.AuthManager is available on [Hex]( To install, simply add `microboxlabs_auth_manager` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:microboxlabs_auth_manager, "~> 0.1.0"}

### Documentation

Detailed documentation is available and can be generated with [ExDoc]( After publication, the documentation will be accessible on [HexDocs]( For the latest version, refer to <>.

## Contribution

We appreciate community contributions and feedback. Whether it's a bug report, a new feature, or even a question about the project, feel free to reach out.