# Microscope

[Microscope on](

Microscope is a simple static web server written in [Elixir](
using [cowboy](

Originally it was a part of [Serum]( development
server, but I decided to separate into the other project for better

## Installation

Add `microscope` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:microscope, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Using Microscope

Start Microscope using `Microscope.start_link/3`.

{:ok, pid} = Microscope.start_link("/home/user/www", "/base/url", 8080)

The server will start listening on port `8080`. Open a web browser and navigate
to `http://<your-host>:8080/base/url/path/to/file`, and the contents of
`/home/user/www/path/to/file` will be displayed.

You may request either a file or a directory. If you request a file, Microscope
will try to serve the requested file, or respond with HTTP 404 if the file does
not exist. And if you request a directory, Microscope will look for `index.html`
or `index.htm` inside the requested directory and serve one if found.

## License

MIT. Please read `LICENSE` file for the full text.