`mimetypes` is an Erlang library to fetch MIME extension/name mappings.
``` erlang
$ erl -pa ebin
Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.8.4 (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(mimetypes).
2> mimetypes:extension(<<"js">>).
3> mimetypes:extension(<<"mb">>).
4> mimetypes:extension(<<"html">>).
5> mimetypes:extension(<<"m3u8">>).
6> mimetypes:filename("/a/b.js").
7> mimetypes:extensions(<<"application/mathematica">>).
Additional types
Additional mappings can be loaded at runtime using the ```mimetypes:load/2```
function. If this function is timing out it is possible to increase the
timeout using ```mimetypes:load/3```.
``` erlang
1> application:start(mimetypes).
2> mimetypes:load(default, [{<<"ext">>, <<"new/type">>}]).
3> mimetypes:extension(<<"ext">>).
2> mimetypes:load(default, [{<<"ext">>, <<"new/type">>}], 10000).
Additional mappings can also be specified using the application environment
variables for the ```mimetypes``` application. These can be added to the
config file specified using the ```erl -config``` flag.
``` erlang
[{mimetypes, [
%% Wait for all additional types to be loaded before returning from
%% application:start(mimetypes). Set to false to return immidiately
%% and load them in the background.
{load_async, true},
%% Timeout to use for calls to mimetypes:load/3 while loading additional
%% mimetypes. The default is the same as for mimetypes:load/2. You may
%% need to increase this value.
{load_timeout, 5000},
{load, [
{default, [
{<<"ext">>, <<"new/type">>}