# Minio Server

Elixir wrapper around [Minio]( It starts the minio server alongside
your elixir application.

# Config can be used directly with :ex_aws/:ex_aws_s3
s3_config = [
  access_key_id: "minio_key",
  secret_access_key: "minio_secret",
  scheme: "http://",
  region: "local",
  host: "",
  port: 9000,
  # Minio specific
  minio_path: "data" # Defaults to ./minio in your mix project

# In a supervisor
children = [
  {MinioServer, s3_config}

# or manually
{:ok, _} = MinioServer.start_link(s3_config)

## Minio binary

The minio binary is not included in the package to save on space. But you can
easily download them using a mix task:

# with menu to select arch / version

# download the latest SERVER binary matching the current machine
mix --arch auto --version latest

# download the latest SERVER binary for darwin-amd64
mix --arch darwin-amd64 --version latest

# download the latest CLIENT binary for darwin-amd64
mix --client --arch darwin-amd64 --version latest

## Minio Versions (dev)

To simplify updating available versions for client / server binaries, there are following commands available:


## Livecycle Configuration

Minio does support lifecycle configuration, which I'm using to expire abandoned
uploads / multipart chunks.

### Example

Setup of a new bucket with `temp/` folder.

config = s3()

{:ok, _} =
  ExAws.S3.put_bucket("default", Keyword.fetch!(config, :region))
  |> ExAws.request(config)

livecycle_rules = [
    id: "temp-folder-cleanup",
    enabled: true,
    filter: %{
      prefix: "temp/"
    actions: %{
      expiration: %{
        trigger: {:days, 1},
        expired_object_delete_marker: true
      abort_incomplete_multipart_upload: %{
        trigger: {:days, 1}

{:ok, _} =
  ExAws.S3.put_bucket_lifecycle("default", livecycle_rules)
  |> ExAws.request(config)

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `minio_server` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:minio_server, "~> 0.4.0"}

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and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
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