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# Minipeg

**TODO: Add description**

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `minipeg` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:minipeg, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Table Of Content

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Table Of Content](#table-of-content)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
  - [Minipeg](#minipeg)
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
  - [Parsing Single Characters](#parsing-single-characters)
    - [`char_parser`](#char_parser)
    - [Parsing POSIX character classes](#parsing-posix-character-classes)
    - [`escaped_char_parser`](#escaped_char_parser)
  - [Parsing sequences of characters](#parsing-sequences-of-characters)
    - [Keywords: `keywords_parser`](#keywords-keywords_parser)
    - [Identifiers: `ident_parser`](#identifiers-ident_parser)
  - [Regex Parsers](#regex-parsers)
    - [`rgx_parser`](#rgx_parser)
    - [`rgx_match_parser`](#rgx_match_parser)
    - [`rgx_capture_parser`](#rgx_capture_parser)
- [Essential Combinators](#essential-combinators)
  - [`many`](#many)
  - [`sequence`](#sequence)
  - [`map`](#map)
    - [`mapp`](#mapp)
    - [`with_pos`](#with_pos)
  - [`select`](#select)
  - [`many_sel`](#many_sel)
  - [`many_seq`](#many_seq)
- [Convenience Combinators](#convenience-combinators)
  - [What about whitespace](#what-about-whitespace)
  - [`upto_parser_parser`](#upto_parser_parser)
- [Definitions](#definitions)
  - [Parser](#parser)
  - [Combinator](#combinator)
- [LICENSE](#license)

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

It is also included in the next chapter

## Documentation

### Minipeg

# Minipeg is a minimal _Parse Expression Grammars_ (PEG) Library

Here is a first taste of how to use it:

    iex(1)> an_a_parser = char_parser("a")
    ...(1)> parse_string(an_a_parser, "a")
    {:ok, "a"}

    iex(2)> an_a_parser = char_parser("a")
    ...(2)> parse_string(an_a_parser, "b")
    {:error, "b not member of \"a\" in char_parser(\"a\") <binary>:1,1"}

The first thing to note here is that in these doctests we have imported functions from
Minipeg as follows, see the moduledocs of the corresponding modules for details

    import Minipeg.Parser, only: [parse_string: 2]
    import Minipeg.{Combinators, Parsers}

## Basic Usage

Quite a small subset of predefined [parsers](#module-definitions) and [combinators](#module-definitions)
would suffice to parse any [context free language](, however many of the patterns used to parse
programming languages, little languages or small languages that exceed the practicallity of [regular expressions](
are quite verbose.

Therefore Minipeg predefines parsers that can be easily parametrized. These parsers will be described in the [utility parsers](#moduledoc-utility-parsers) section.

### Parsing Single Characters

With a _character_ we do indeed mean a UTF-8 Code Point

The most basic parser is the...

#### `char_parser`

... which parses _any_ character

    iex(3)> parse_string(char_parser(), "h")
    {:ok, "h"}

    iex(4)> parse_string(char_parser(), "é")
    {:ok, "é"}

    iex(5)> parse_string(char_parser(), "✓")
    {:ok, "✓"}

    iex(6)> parse_string(char_parser(), "")
    {:error, "encountered end of input in char_parser() <binary>:1,1"}

It can however be parametrized to parse only characters of a given set, this set can be provided as
a `String` or an `Enumerable`

    iex(7)> parse_string(char_parser("ab"), "b")
    {:ok, "b"}

    iex(8)> parse_string(char_parser(["b", "c"]), "b")
    {:ok, "b"}

    iex(9)> parse_string(char_parser(["b", "c"]), "a")
    {:error, "a not member of \"bc\" in char_parser([\"b\", \"c\"]) <binary>:1,1"}

Often used charsets might be extremly large to be defined and therefore some more specialised parsers have been defined:

#### Parsing POSIX character classes

If instead of a string or list we pass an atom into `char_parser` it only parses a character if it matches a character class as defined in POSIX regular expressions,
which are also described in the docs of the [`Regex`]( module, here are the currently supported values:

  :alnum | :alpha | :blank | :cntrl | :digit | :graph | :lower | :print | :punct | :space | :upper | :word | :xdigit

    iex(10)> parser = char_parser(:alnum)
    ...(10)> "aD7_%"
    ...(10)> |> String.graphemes
    ...(10)> |>, &1))
      ok: "a",
      ok: "D",
      ok: "7",
      error: "~r{\\A[[:alnum:]]}u does not match at 1,1 in char_parser(:alnum) <binary>:1,1",
      error: "~r{\\A[[:alnum:]]}u does not match at 1,1 in char_parser(:alnum) <binary>:1,1"

#### `escaped_char_parser`

this parser helps to parse escaped characters, while one could de this quite easily with the following example, one notices
that in order to get just an escpaed character two combinators, `map` and `sequence` are needed

    iex(11)> escaped_quote_parser = sequence([
    ...(11)> char_parser("\\"), char_parser()])
    ...(11)> |> map(&, 1))
    ...(11)> { parse_string(escaped_quote_parser, "\\\""), parse_string(escaped_quote_parser, "\\'") }
    { {:ok, "\""}, {:ok, "'"} }

Compare this to the provided `escaped_char_parser`:

    iex(12)> parse_string(escaped_char_parser(), "\\a")
    {:ok, "a"}

We can also change the escape character

    iex(13)> parse_string(escaped_char_parser("%"), "%a")
    {:ok, "a"}

    iex(14)> parse_string(escaped_char_parser("%"), "\\a")
    {:error, "\\ not member of \"%\" in char_parser(\"%\") in escaped_char_parser(%) <binary>:1,1"}

And furthermore we can restrict the set of which characters are allowed to be escaped

    iex(15)> parser = escaped_char_parser("\\", "escape only \\", "\\")
    ...(15)> { parse_string(parser, "\\\\"), parse_string(parser, "\\a") }
    { {:ok, "\\"}, {:error, "a not member of \"\\\\\" in char_parser(\"\\\\\") in escape only \\ <binary>:1,1"} }

### Parsing sequences of characters

#### Keywords: `keywords_parser`

Does pretty much what is expected ;)

    iex(16)> kwd_parser = keywords_parser(["do", "else", "if"])
    ...(16)> ["do", "if", "for"]
    ...(16)> |>, &1))
      ok: "do",
      ok: "if",
      error: "no alternative could be parsed in keywords_parser([\"do\", \"else\", \"if\"]) <binary>:1,1"

#### Identifiers: `ident_parser`

An identifier is defined by a character class for its first character and a character class for its subsequent characters, so
one could define it roughly as


And that is how the `ident_parser` is actually defined

    iex(17)> parse_string(ident_parser(), "hello_42")
    {:ok, "hello_42"}

    iex(18)> parse_string(ident_parser(), "42hello_world")
    {:error, "~r{\\A[[:alpha:]]}u does not match at 1,1 in char_parser(:alpha) in sequence <binary>:1,1"}

In Lisp we prefer `-` to `_`, no problem

    iex(19)> parse_string(ident_parser("Lisp Style", additional_chars: "-"), "hello-42")
    {:ok, "hello-42"}

But even the parser for the first character and the following characters can be defined

        iex(20)> register_parser = ident_parser(
        ...(20)>   "Uppercase and digit",
        ...(20)>   first_char_parser: char_parser(:upper),
        ...(20)>   rest_char_parser: char_parser(:digit),
        ...(20)>   additional_chars: nil,
        ...(20)>   max_len: 2,
        ...(20)>   min_len: 2)
        ...(20)> [
        ...(20)>   parse_string(register_parser, "R2"),
        ...(20)>   parse_string(register_parser, "X_"),
        ...(20)>   parse_string(register_parser, "R12"),
        ...(20)>   parse_string(register_parser, "a2"),
        ...(20)>   parse_string(register_parser, "ab")
        ...(20)> ]
          ok: "R2",
          error: "string \"X\" length 1 under required minimum 2 <binary>:1,1",
          error: "string \"R12\" length 3 exceeds allowed 2 <binary>:1,1",
          error: "~r{\\A[[:upper:]]}u does not match at 1,1 in char_parser(:upper) in sequence <binary>:1,1",
          error: "~r{\\A[[:upper:]]}u does not match at 1,1 in char_parser(:upper) in sequence <binary>:1,1"

In some environments we would like to restrict the length of an identifier

        iex(21)> dos_name_parser = ident_parser("dos name parser", max_len: 8)
        ...(21)> [
        ...(21)>   parse_string(dos_name_parser, "dosok"),
        ...(21)>   parse_string(dos_name_parser, "way_too_long")
        ...(21)> ]
          ok: "dosok",
          error: "string \"way_too_long\" length 12 exceeds allowed 8 <binary>:1,1"

### Regex Parsers

Sometimes it is cumbersome to specify a parser that can be expressed simply with a regular expression.
A good example of this would be the `ident_parser` from above.

A _Regex Parser_ will always create an anchored regex which will be parsed against the start of the input.
As long as you avoid backtracking or unbond lookahead the performance should be at the same level as 
writing a parser "by hand".

The `Regex` that will be used in the parser will be compiled as fomllows from the string parameter specifying

        Regex.compile!("\\A" <> param, [:unicode])

#### `rgx_parser`

This is the basic parser that creates a regular expression as described above and if it parses puts the result of
`, input.input)` into the ast field of the `Success` structure, of course the matching string is
removed from the returned input

      iex(22)> atom_parser = rgx_parser(":[[:alpha:]][[:word:]]*", "rgx based atom parser")
      ...(22)> Parser.parse(atom_parser,":atom_42"), %Cache{})
      %Success{ast: [":atom_42"], cache: %Cache{}, parsed_by: "rgx based atom parser", rest: %Input{col: 9, context: %{}, input: "", lnb: 1}}

      iex(23)> atom_parser = rgx_parser(":[[:alpha:]][[:word:]]*", "rgx based atom parser")
      ...(23)> parse_string(atom_parser, "hello")
      {:error, "~r{\\A:[[:alpha:]][[:word:]]*}u does not match at 1,1 in rgx based atom parser <binary>:1,1"}

#### `rgx_match_parser`

 Oftentimes we will only want the whole match and do not care of captures, enter `rgx_match_parser`

      iex(24)> atom_parser = rgx_match_parser(":[[:alpha:]][[:word:]]*", "rgx based atom parser")
      ...(24)> Parser.parse(atom_parser,":atom_42"), %Cache{})
      %Success{ast: ":atom_42", cache: %Cache{}, parsed_by: "rgx based atom parser", rest: %Input{col: 9, context: %{}, input: "", lnb: 1}}

The `:unicode` will **always** be used in the compiled regex, however one can add other options
A nice addition is the `:extended` option

      iex(25)> a_list_parser = rgx_match_parser(" a (?: , a)+ ", nil, [:extended])
      ...(25)> parse_string(a_list_parser, "a,a,abc")
      {:ok, "a,a,a"}

#### `rgx_capture_parser`

Also quite often we are only interested in one capture

      iex(26)> number_parser = rgx_capture_parser("\\s*(\\d+)") |> map(&String.to_integer/1)
      ...(26)> parse_string(number_parser, "  42")
      {:ok, 42}

## Essential Combinators

### `many`

Parses an input if a parser can be applied _many_ times to it. This means that `many` can parse
an _empty_ input unless a minimum count is specified:

    iex(27)> a_parser = many(char_parser("a"))
    ...(27)> assert parse_string(a_parser, "") == {:ok, []}
    ...(27)> assert parse_string(a_parser, "aaa") == {:ok, ~W[a a a]}

But if we specify a `min_count`...

    iex(28)> a_parser = many(char_parser("a"), "at least one", 1)
    ...(28)> assert parse_string(a_parser, "") == {:error, "Missing 1 parses in many in at least one <binary>:1,1"}
    ...(28)> assert parse_string(a_parser, "aaa") == {:ok, ~W[a a a]}

### `sequence`

Takes a list of `Parsers`, only parses if **all** of them parse subsequently on the given
input and return a list of the results of each parser.

Let us _remimplement_ the keywords parser

    iex(29)> if_parser = sequence([char_parser("i"), char_parser("f")])
    ...(29)> |> map(&Enum.join/1)
    ...(29)> ~w[if else]
    ...(29)> |>, &1))
      ok: "if",
        error: "e not member of \"i\" in char_parser(\"i\") in sequence <binary>:1,1"

This leads us directly to

### `map`

Map, takes a parser and a _mapping function_. It returns a new parser that fails with exactly
the same error message as its input parser, but succeeds with the result mapped by the _mapping function_.

    iex(30)> list_parser = many(char_parser()) |> map(&Enum.join(&1, ", "))
    ...(30)> parse_string(list_parser, "abc")
    {:ok, "a, b, c"}

Oftentimes we will want the position of a parsed string to be included into the ast.
An _obvious_ use case to identify where in the source a semantic error has occurred.

Enter ... 

#### `mapp`

This example also demonstrates the `ignore` combinator which will be ignored in `sequence`

      iex(31)> a_parser = sequence([ws_parser() |> ignore(), char_parser("a") |> mapp(&{&1, &2})])
      ...(31)> [parse_string(a_parser, "  a"), parse_string(a_parser, "")]
        ok: [{"a", {3, 1}}],
        error: "encountered end of input in char_parser(\"a\") in sequence <binary>:1,1"

`ignore` does of course not mean that the input does not need to parse

      iex(32)> a_parser = sequence([char_parser("b") |> ignore(), char_parser("a") |> mapp(&{&1, &2})])
      ...(32)> parse_string(a_parser, "a")
        :error, "a not member of \"b\" in char_parser(\"b\") in sequence <binary>:1,1"

It is also quite normal to just append the position to the ast, so the above can also be written simpler
with ...

#### `with_pos`

      iex(33)> a_parser = sequence([ws_parser() |> ignore(), char_parser("a") |> with_pos()])
      ...(33)> [parse_string(a_parser, "  a"), parse_string(a_parser, "")]
        ok: [{"a", {3, 1}}],
        error: "encountered end of input in char_parser(\"a\") in sequence <binary>:1,1"

### `select`

Oftentimes `select` is (maybe better) named `choice` we have therefore define an alias for `choice`

      iex(34)> vowel_parser = select(~W[a e i o u y] |>, "vowel_parser")
      ...(34)> ~W[a u y x] |>, &1))
        ok: "a",
        ok: "u",
        ok: "y",
        error: "no alternative could be parsed in vowel_parser <binary>:1,1"

And the aliased `option`

    iex(35)> parser = option([char_parser("a"), char_parser("b")], "option_parser")
    ...(35)> ~W[b x] |>, &1))
      ok: "b",
      error: "no alternative could be parsed in option_parser <binary>:1,1"

### `many_sel`

Just a shortcut for `many(select(...`

    iex(36)> parser = many_sel([char_parser("a"), char_parser("b")])
    ...(36)> parse_string(parser, "abba")
    {:ok, ~W[a b b a]}

### `many_seq`

Just a shortcut for `many(sequence(...`

    iex(37)> parser = many_seq([char_parser("a"), char_parser("b")])
    ...(37)> parse_string(parser, "abab")
    {:ok, [~W[a b], ~W[a b]]}

In the result we can see that it is important to take into consideration that this
is indeed two nested parsers and one will often do things as the following

    iex(38)> parser = many_seq([char_parser("a"), char_parser("b")]) |> map(&IO.chardata_to_string/1)
    ...(38)> parse_string(parser, "abab")
    {:ok, "abab"}

## Convenience Combinators
### What about whitespace

Oftentimes whitespace shall be ignored in the resulting ast, and sometimes in the input too. To be more precise
when whitespace stops parsing of example a keyword then the subsequent patser often is not interested in$
the left ofer ws preceeding its new input.

Enter `ignore_ws`

Here is the form that does not ignore newlines, which is the default:
    iex(39)> next_char_parser = ignore_ws(char_parser())
    ...(39)> parse_string(next_char_parser, " \ta")
    {:ok, "a"}

    iex(40)> next_a_parser = ignore_ws(char_parser("a"))
    ...(40)> parse_string(next_a_parser, " \na")
    {:error, "\n not member of \"a\" in char_parser(\"a\") <binary>:1,2"}

But we can also use the newline allowing version

    iex(41)> next_a_parser = ignore_ws(char_parser("a"), "skip newlines", true)
    ...(41)> parse_string(next_a_parser, " \na")
    {:ok, "a"}

### `upto_parser_parser`

Oftentimes parsing algorithms become more read- and maintanable when we reparse a part of the
input stream with a different parser. In order to be able to do this we can just parse up to
a part of the input stream defined by a parser and return the input stream up to that point
as a `String`

**N.B.** This convenience comes with a price, the `parser` will try to match for every position
in the input stream until it succeeds or fails on an empty input. Hence use with care.

    iex(42)> upto_end_parser = upto_parser_parser(keywords_parser(~W[end]))
    ...(42)> parse_string(upto_end_parser, "up to end")
    {:ok, "up to "}

If however `parser` never succeeds the `upto_parser_parser` fails.

    iex(43)> upto_end_parser = upto_parser_parser(keywords_parser(~W[end]))
    ...(43)> parse_string(upto_end_parser, "up to en")
    {:error, "encountered end of input in upto_parser_parser(keywords_parser([\"end\"]), keep) <binary>:1,9"}

We can also ask to include the ast from the `parser` into the result

    iex(44)> upto_end_parser = upto_parser_parser(keywords_parser(~W[end]), "my parser", :include)
    ...(44)> parse_string(upto_end_parser, "up to end")
    {:ok, {"up to ", "end"}}

Or to discard it, which is not the default case (which is `:keep`)

    iex(45)> keep_parser = upto_parser_parser(keywords_parser(~W[end]), "my parser", :keep)
    ...(45)> discard_parser = upto_parser_parser(keywords_parser(~W[end]), "my other parser", :discard)
    ...(45)> [ parse(keep_parser, "up to end"), parse(discard_parser, "up to end")]
      %Minipeg.Success{ast: "up to ", cache: %Minipeg.Cache{cache: %{}}, parsed_at: {7, 1}, parsed_by: "my parser", rest: %Minipeg.Input{input: "end", col: 7, lnb: 1}},
      %Minipeg.Success{ast: "up to ", cache: %Minipeg.Cache{cache: %{}}, parsed_at: {7, 1}, parsed_by: "my other parser", rest: %Minipeg.Input{input: "", col: 10, lnb: 1}}

## Definitions

### Parser

A `Parser` is a struct that parses an `Input` struct (with the `parse` function) and either returns a `Success` or `Failure` struct

In order to abstract the internal representations of input and results  the `parse_string` function is provided as shown in the exampleas above.

The `Success` struct contains the resulting Abstract Syntaxt Tree and the rest of the input as an `Input` struct.

The `Failure` struct contains the original `Input` struct and an error message

Internally a `Cache` is already returned (and passed into subsequent `parse` calls of the `Parser` module) but unless
you are extending `Minipeg` itself by defining parsers by hand instead of using `Combinators` you can ignore this.

### Combinator

A `Combibator` is a function that takes a `Parser` optionally some arguments and returns a new `Parser`


Apache-2.0 see [for details](LICENSE)

<!--SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0-->