
defmodule Mint.HTTPError do
  @moduledoc """
  An HTTP error.

  This exception struct is used to represent HTTP errors of all sorts and for
  both HTTP/1 and HTTP/2.

  A `Mint.HTTPError` struct is an exception, so it can be raised as any
  other exception.

  ## Struct

  The `Mint.HTTPError` struct is opaque, that is, not all of its fields are public.
  The list of public fields is:

    * `:reason` - the error reason. Can be one of:

      * a term of type `t:Mint.HTTP1.error_reason/0`. See its documentation for
        more information.

      * a term of type `t:Mint.HTTP2.error_reason/0`. See its documentation for
        more information.

      * `{:proxy, reason}`, which is used when an HTTP error happens when connecting
        to a tunnel proxy. `reason` can be:

        * `:tunnel_timeout` - when the tunnel times out.

        * `{:unexpected_status, status}` - when the proxy returns an unexpected
          status `status`.

        * `{:unexpected_trailing_responses, responses}` - when the proxy returns
          unexpected responses (`responses`).

  ## Message representation

  If you want to convert an error reason to a human-friendly message (for example
  for using in logs), you can use `Exception.message/1`:

      iex> {:error, %Mint.HTTPError{} = error} = Mint.HTTP.connect(:http, "", 80)
      iex> Exception.message(error)
      "the response contains two or more Content-Length headers"


  alias Mint.{HTTP1, HTTP2}

  @type proxy_reason() ::
           | HTTP2.error_reason()
           | :tunnel_timeout
           | {:unexpected_status, non_neg_integer()}
           | {:unexpected_trailing_responses, list()}}

  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          reason: HTTP1.error_reason() | HTTP2.error_reason() | proxy_reason() | term()

  defexception [:reason, :module]

  def message(%__MODULE__{reason: reason, module: module}) do