Cafex is a pure Elixir implementation of [Kafka][kafka] client with [ZooKeeper][zookeeper] and [Consul][] intergration.
Cafex support Kafka 0.8 and 0.9 group membership APIs.
Cafex provides all kafka APIs encapsulation, producer implementation and high-level consumer implementation.
## Producer
### Example
iex> Application.start :cafex
iex> topic_name = "test_topic"
iex> brokers = [{"", 9092}]
iex> {:ok, producer} = Cafex.start_producer topic_name, client_id: "myproducer",
brokers: brokers,
partitioner: MyPartitioner,
acks: 1,
batch_num: 100,
linger_ms: 10
iex> Cafex.produce producer, "message", key: "key"
iex> Cafex.async_produce producer, "message", key: "key"
### Producer options
#### `partitioner`
The partitioner for partitioning messages amongst sub-topics.
The default partitioner is `Cafex.Partitioner.Random`.
#### `client_id`
The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace
calls. It should logically identify the application making the request.
Default `cafex_producer`.
#### `acks`
The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received
before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records
that are sent.
Default value is `1`.
#### `batch_num`
The number of messages to send in one batch when `linger_ms` is not zero.
The producer will wait until either this number of messages are ready to send.
#### `linger_ms`
This setting is the same as `` config in the new official producer configs.
This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay).
> NOTE: If `linger_ms` is set to `0`, the `batch_num` will not take effect.
## Consumer
### Example
defmodule MyConsumer do
use Cafex.Consumer
def consume(msg, state) do
# handle the msg
{:ok, state}
iex> Application.start :cafex
iex> topic_name = "test_topic"
iex> brokers = [{"", 9092}]
iex> options = [client_id: "myconsumer",
topic: topic_name,
brokers: brokers,
offset_storage: :kafka,
group_manager: :kafka,
lock: :consul,
group_session_timeout: 7000, # ms
auto_commit: true,
auto_commit_interval: 500, # ms
auto_commit_max_buffers: 50,
fetch_wait_time: 100, # ms
fetch_min_bytes: 32 * 1024,
fetch_max_bytes: 64 * 1024,
handler: {MyConsumer, []}]
iex> {:ok, consumer} = Cafex.start_consumer :myconsumer, options
The `options` argument of the function `start_consumer` can be put in the
config :cafex, :myconsumer,
client_id: "cafex",
topic: "test_topic",
brokers: [
{"", 9092},
{"", 9092}
offset_storage: :kafka,
group_manager: :kafka,
lock: :consul,
group_session_timeout: 7000, # ms
auto_commit: true,
auto_commit_interval: 500, # ms
auto_commit_max_buffers: 50,
fetch_wait_time: 100, # ms
fetch_min_bytes: 32 * 1024,
fetch_max_bytes: 64 * 1024,
handler: {MyConsumer, []}
By default, cafex will use `:kafka` as the offset storage, use the new kafka
group membership API, which was added in the 0.9.x, as the group manager,
and use the `:consul` as the worker lock. Make suer your Kafka server is 0.9.x
or above.
But `:zookeeper` is another option for these. If you use zookeeper, the starting
options of `:erlzk` must be specified under the `:zookeeper` key:
config :cafex, :myconsumer,
client_id: "cafex",
topic: "test_topic",
brokers: [...],
offset_storage: :zookeeper,
group_manager: :zookeeper,
lock: :zookeeper,
zookeeper: [
timeout: 5000,
servers: [{"", 2181}],
chroot: "/cafex"
* Support kafka 0.10.x.x
* Add tests