A wrapper around MISP's HTTP API to provide native interaction.

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## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `mispex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:mispex, "~> 0.1.7"}

## Configuration

In your application config, add a block of the format

config :mispex,
  url: "https://misp.local",
  apikey: "myapikey"

## Usage

See [the full documentation]( for full reference,
but here are a few common usage examples

Documentation can also be generated with [ExDoc](

All functions that call the API in any way return a tuple of the format:

{:ok, value}
{:error, reason}

To indicate whether the API call was successful or not.

For example

iex> MISP.Event.create(%MISP.EventInfo{info: "my event"})

iex> MISP.Event.create(%MISP.EventInfo{})
{:error, " Info cannot be empty."}

### Create an event

{:ok, my_event} = %MISP.EventInfo{info: "my event"} |> MISP.Event.create()

### Retrive an event

{:ok, my_event} = MISP.Event.get(15)

### Update an event

{:ok, my_event} = MISP.Event.get(17)

{:ok, my_updated_event} = 
  |> put_in([:Event, :info], "my new info field")
  |> MISP.Event.update()

### Add an attribute

{:ok, my_event} = MISP.Event.get(17)

{:ok, updated_event} =
  |> MISP.Event.add_attribute(%MISP.Attribute{value: "", type: "ip-dst"})
  |> MISP.Event.update()

### Tag an event

{:ok, my_event} = MISP.Event.get(17)

{:ok, tagged_event} = 
  |> MISP.Event.add_tag(%MISP.Tag{name: "my tag"})
  |> MISP.Event.update()

### Tag an attribute

{:ok, matching} ={value: ""})

{:ok, updated_attr} =
  |> List.first() 
  |> MISP.Attribute.add_tag(%MISP.Tag{name: "my tag"})
  |> MISP.Attribute.update()

### Create an event with attributes and tags already applied

    info: "my event",
    Attribute: [
            value: "",
            type: "ip-dst",
            Tag: [
                %MISP.Tag{name: "my attribute-level tag"}
    Tag: [
        %MISP.Tag{name: "my event-level tag"}
} |> MISP.Event.create()