# Miss Elixir

Some functions that ***I miss*** in Elixir standard library (and maybe you too).

<img height="300" src="" alt="Miss Elixir">


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*Miss Elixir* library brings in a non-intrusive way some extra functions that, for different reasons, are not part of the Elixir
standard library.

None of the functions in *Miss Elixir* has the same name of functions present in the correspondent Elixir module.

Read about the motivation to create this Elixir library in [this blog post](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `miss` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:miss, "~> 0.1.5"}

## Usage

The order of the `Miss` namespace preceding the existing Elixir modules to be extended was made by intention. For example,

The modules in *Miss Elixir* are not intended to be used with aliases. Always use the entire namespace to make explicit that
module/function does not belong to Elixir standard library.

# Do not do that!
alias Miss.Kernel
Kernel.div_rem(10, 2)

# Instead, use like that:
Miss.Kernel.div_rem(10, 2)

> Navigate in the [documentation of each module]( to find out all the available
> functions and detailed examples.

Below there are some examples.

### String

iex>["string", 123, true])

iex>"What ", "do you", " miss?")
"What do you miss?"

### Map

iex> Miss.Map.rename_key(%{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, :b, :bbb)
%{a: 1, bbb: 2, c: 3}

iex> defmodule Post do
...>   defstruct [:title, :text, :date, :author, comments: []]
...>  end
...>  defmodule Author do
...>    defstruct [:id, :name]
...>  end
...>  defmodule Comment do
...>    defstruct [:text]
...>  end
...> post = %Post{
...>   title: "My post",
...>   text: "Something really interesting",
...>   date: ~D[2010-09-01],
...>   author: %Author{
...>     id: 1234,
...>     name: "Pedro Bonamides"
...>   },
...>   comments: [
...>     %Comment{text: "Comment one"},
...>     %Comment{text: "Comment two"}
...>   ]
...> }
...> Miss.Map.from_nested_struct(post, [{Date, :skip}])
  title: "My post",
  text: "Something really interesting",
  date: ~D[2010-09-01],
  author: %{
    id: 1234,
    name: "Pedro Bonamides"
  comments: [
    %{text: "Comment one"},
    %{text: "Comment two"}

### Kernel

iex> Miss.Kernel.div_rem(45, 2)
{22, 1}

iex> defmodule User do
...>   defstruct name: "User"
...> end
...> Miss.Kernel.struct_list(User, [%{name: "Akira"}, %{name: "Fernando"}])
[%User{name: "Akira"}, %User{name: "Fernando"}]

### List

iex> Miss.List.intersection([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
[2, 4]

## Full documentation

The full documentation is available at [](

## Contributing

See the [contributing guide](

## License

*Miss Elixir* is released under the Apache 2.0 License. See the [LICENSE]( file.

Copyright © 2020-2021 Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim

## Author

[Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim (prodis)](

<a href="" title="Prodis' Blog" target="_blank"><img height="102" width="151" src="" alt="Prodis"></a>