# Mix Apidoc Task

A mix task that triggers [apidoc]( "apidoc") to create
documentation for RESTful web APIs.

## Usage

  1. Configure apidoc in your `mix.exs`:

    def project do
      [app: :your_app,
       apidoc: apidoc(Mix.env)
       # Add `:apidoc` to your compilers if you want it to run upon `mix compile`
       compilers: [:apidoc] ++ Mix.compilers,
       deps: deps

    # Do not generate apidoc documentation for `test` environment
    defp apidoc(env) when env not in [:dev, :prod], do: []
    defp apidoc(env) do
      base_url = case env do
        :dev  -> "http://localhost:4000"
        :prod -> "https://prod-host"
      # See for a full list of
      # parameters. Note: Use Elixir terms as values. They will be translated
      # to JSON and stored in `_build/dev/apidoc.json`.
      # Omit `sampleUrl` if you don't want to have sample requests in the
      # documentation.
      [url: "#{base_url}/api",
       sampleUrl: "#{base_url}/api",
       name: "Your API",
       version: "1.0.0",
       description: "Your API description",
       title: "Your API Title"]

       # You may also provide a list of nested configs in order to generate
       # multiple documentations. When doing so, you need to specify a
       # dedicated `output_dir` for each. Example:
       #[[input_dir: Path.join(~w"lib myapp_web controllers public"),
       #  output_dir: Path.join(~w"priv static apidoc public"),
       #  url: "#{base_url}/public/api",
       #  sampleUrl: "#{base_url}/api",
       #  name: "Your Public API",
       #  version: "1.0.0",
       #  description: "Your public API description",
       #  title: "Your Public API"],
       # [input_dir: Path.join(~w"lib myapp_web controllers private"),
       #  output_dir: Path.join(~w"priv static apidoc private"),
       #  url: "#{base_url}/private/api",
       #  sampleUrl: "#{base_url}/api",
       #  name: "Your Private API",
       #  version: "1.0.0",
       #  description: "Your private API description",
       #  title: "Your Private API"]]

    def deps do
      # Add it to your dependencies
      [{:mix_apidoc, "~> 0.5.1"},

  2. Create a file called `package.json` or use the one generated by Phoenix
     (located in the `assets` directory since Phoenix 1.3).

  3. Add apidoc as a dependency to your `package.json`

    "repository": {},
    "dependencies": {
      "apidoc": ">= 0.17.6"

  4. Install apidoc using the node package manager:

  $ cd assets
  $ npm install

  5. Add apidoc comments to your controllers:

  @apidoc """
  @api {get} /user/:id Request User information
  @apiName GetUser
  @apiGroup User

  @apiParam {Number} id Users unique ID.

  @apiSuccess {String} firstname Firstname of the User.
  @apiSuccess {String} lastname  Lastname of the User.

## Task-specific configuration options

By default, the apidoc task will look for apidoc comments in the `controllers`
directory created by Phoenix and generate the documentation into
`priv/static/apidoc`. You may override those paths in the config:

input_dir: "web",
output_dir: "priv/static/html"

The mix task also assumes that your apidoc binary is
`node_modules/apidoc/bin/apidoc` or `assets/node_modules/apidoc/bin/apidoc` in a
Phoenix 1.3 project. This is where it installs in step 4. If you
prefer to use your system-wide apidoc installation instead, change the
`apidoc_bin` config parameter:

apidoc_bin: "apidoc"

Apart from those mix task specific parameters, you can set all apidoc parameters
as described on the [apidoc](

Additionally, you can specify additional command line arguments by specifying
the following configuration parameter in the config:

extra_args: ["-e", "admin", "-t", "/path/to/custom/template"]

## Running the task

If you added the task to the list of compilers, just run

  `$ mix compile`

If not, or if you want to run it separately, run it with

`$ mix compile.apidoc`