# MixDepsPatch

Task for patching dependencies after downloading from hex, before compilation.
This is an alternative for creating github forks and can be used without git installed.
The only dependency is the `patch` command.

## Usage

create a folder named patch in your app directory

mkdir patch

Make a copy of the file you wan't to patch in the deps folder.

cd deps/dependency_name
git diff > ../../patch/dependency_name.patch
cd ../../

and then use it instead of deps.get
(mix deps.get is run from this task)
mix deps.patch

## Installation

You can either install it globally

mix archive.install mix_deps_patch-0.0.0.ez

or by adding `mix_deps_patch` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:mix_deps_patch, "~> 0.0.0"}

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