A mix task to execute eunit tests.
* Works in umbrella projects.
* Tests can be in the module or in the test directory.
* Allows the user to provide a list of patterns for tests to run.
mix eunit # run all the tests
mix eunit --verbose "foo*" "*_test" # verbose run foo*.erl and *_test.erl
Add to your `mix.exs` deps:
def deps
[#... existing deps,
{:mix_eunit, "~> 0.1.1"}]
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
mix eunit
Command line options:
A list of patterns to match for test files can be supplied:
mix eunit foo* bar*
The runner automatically adds ".erl" to the patterns.
The following command line switch is also available:
* --verbose/-v - Run eunit with the :verbose option.
Test search path:
All ".erl" files in the src and test directories are considered.