# MixMinimumElixirVersion

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Mix task to find the minimum Elixir version requirement for a particular project. It traverses every
dependency defined in the project and then finds which Elixir version satisfies all the

⚠️ No validation is done to verify that the project is actually compatible with the emitted version
requirement. For example, the output of this script might indicate a version requirement of `~>
1.13` even if you use
[`Kernel.binary_slice/2`](, which was
introduced in Elixir 1.14. You still need to test your project in both the target version as well as
all succeeding versions. 

## Usage

Run the task in the same directory as the `mix.exs` file for the project:

    mix minimum_elixir_version

If nothing went wrong, you should see something like

    This project targets `~> 1.16`, but the minimum version it can target is `~> 1.13`.

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## Installation

This package can be installed by adding `mix_minimum_elixir_version` to your list of dependencies in

def deps do
    {:mix_minimum_elixir_version, "~> 0.1.0"}